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Scholarship MB

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My son worked on Scholarship merit badge during the current school year. He has completed

the grade point requirement and has the note from the principal regarding his service and behavior.


Last week I picked up a copy of the merit badge requirements from the local scout shop and noticed they did not match those listed in my copy of the 2005 requirements book. The requirements in the 2005 book seem to mirror those of the badge in years past.


A double check of the requirements at meritbadge.com showed the requirements listed in the pamphlet(http://www.meritbadge.com/mb/100.htm)and had a special note on the web page.


What gives? Is the 2005 Requirement book not the gospel?


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It seems they were admitting a mistake, and those sometimes happen. It even says the ones in the "Boy Scout Requirements 2005" are correct. As many pages of different things that are published by national I would have guessed worse mistakes than this have happened.

Quote from web page : "Please Note: The Boy Scouts of America accidentally published the wrong requirements

in the 2005 Scholarship merit badge pamphlet. The requirements listed below

are from Boy Scout Requirements 2005 which is correct."





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"I'm sure you son's merit badge counselor can answer any of his questions that pertain to the merit badge including its requirements."


Only if he knows about the changes and the issues. I wouldn't assume that all counselors are aware. Certainly they SHOULD be, but depending on where they are, there may not be a mechanism to push info about changes to the counselors. I would certainly advise any scout to check for himself to ensure he is using the current requirements.

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What is the mechanism by which a MBC learns that the requirements for the MB he counsels have changed? Ideally, he would know to check on this himself, although there is no official way to do this on line. Should we expect each MBC to purchase the requirements book each year, and to check periodically for a revised pamphlet?

If the counselor is not active with a unit, more likely somebody will have to tell him. Who? Well, it could be the district MB czar, if he or she does that, or it could be the advancement coordinator with a particular unit. (Even if we expect MBCs to check for updates themselves, somebody will have to remind them to do it.)

Wouldn't it be great if, when you signed up to counsel a MB, your e-mail address was added to a list that would result in you automatically getting e-mail updates about that MB?

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I thought it was the role of the District Advancement Chair to ensure a couple of things happen:


1 - That there is a current list of qualified and trained Merit Badge Counsellors


2 - That qualified volunteers that wish to be Merit Badge Counsellors are trained and equiped with the tools they need.


This chair of course can delegate this work, but isn't that what they are supposed to worry about?

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