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Eagle Scout Project particpants


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Can anybody tell me if it is written down somewhere that the particpants of an eagle scout project do not have to be Scouts, or is that just common knowledge? We have a bit of an arguement between two committee members. I was under the impression that Scouts did not have to be the bulk of "those lead by the eagle candidate", but I don't have anything to prove it.

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I am not sure if there are any national rules about this, but my friends and I had outside help on our Eagle projects and the Eagle board was fine with that. If anything, it shows more leadership and exposes local troops to local communities, which is good on many levels. Good luck on your project though.

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The Eagle project workbook asks the Scout to list "Hours Spent by Scouts, Venturers, or Other Individuals Working on the Project". We can split hairs (again), but it seems to me that the "or" means that the "other individuals" are not Scouts or Venturers, and BSA National understands and endorses this practice.


For example, for his Eagle project, little KS enlisted the aid of several members of our CO who had a side business laying concrete. They built the forms, laid the re-bar, and helped screed and edge it when the truck showed up. All were adults, and not currently registered.



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I would ask the committee member who believes that ONLY Scouts and scouters may participate on Eagle projects to show YOU where that is written. He won't be able to find any policy, guideline, rule, or regulation from BSA National that supports his position. Another Scouting myth.

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I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but I believe the idea of an Eagle Scout Service Project is that the candidate demonstrate leadership by leading others in the completion of the project.


If the idea is to demonstrate leadership, I would actually recommend that he include non-scouts and/or non-scouters in the project.


When that Eagle Scout grows up, he's expected to lead. Not everyone in the real world is a former Scout . . . as much as we hate to admit it.



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anyone not being paid can work it.


Where did that rule come from? There is no validity to that. Nothing in the project outline says that the Eagle candidate cannot give leadership to paid workers.




"Every Scout deserves a trained leader"


(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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That's an excellent point! And another Scouting myth. In practice, most Eagle project finances are bare bones for materials only and do not include a labor budget. Labor is generally donated. However, there is no reason why a well financed project could not include paid labor as well.

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