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Star and Life Service Projects


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Another troop in our area makes those same requirements for Star and Life. The indidvidual must plan and carry out a project of their own which meets those hour requirements.


This same troop has made a rule that no boys makes Eagle before turning 16.


I find both of these completely improper on the part of the Scoutmaster and other troop leadership.


I would read the Scoutmaster's approval of the service hours to be there to ensure that the service is planned and of the caliber fitting the boy himself and his rank, but not to prescribe the hours or to rewrite the rewuirements description.

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My troop also requires star and life scouts to perform a service project. I look at it as a leadership learning opertunity. The more service projects, the more we as Boy Scouts give back to the comunity. These small projects for star and life, get you ready for your Eage project. Some troops might have problems getting people out to help with all these projects. I was always told that one day I would need there help with my project. There is no spicific rule in the handbook for star and life projects, it was always a troop policy. It seems to me that people do not want to work these days for their rank. Each troop is different.

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Each troop is different, but no troop can add to the advancement requirements. It may be a good idea to require scouts to do their own service projects fo Star and Life--just as it may be a good idea to make Cooking a required merit badge--but neither of these is currently part of the BSA advancement scheme.

Of course, scouts can do their own service projects, and they can be encouraged and supported in doing so--just as they can get the Cooking merit badge if they want to.

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I find it rediculous to hold a boy back from advancing in rank by establishing "troop limitations" such as organizing your own service project for Star or Life or not allowing a boy to earn his Eagle Badge until 16. For large troops they must have low attendance at many service projects because there must be several happening each month. For many boys, if they haven't earned Eagle or close to it by 16 other interests take over like a job, car, or girlfriend. I agree with Old Grey Eagle, adding to rank advancements is against BSA policy.

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