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Eagle Project Funding????


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Hello, Scouterfly---


Personally, I see no good reason not to permit the project to be done with borrowed money and then repaid with findraising done at a more convenient time, but before the Eagle Award is approved.


Indeed, it appears from other comments on this thread that parents could choose to donate everything if they wished and do no fundraising at all.


Applying this kind of rule seems to be one of the "additional requirements" added on to Scouting that are often condemned on this board, and one that is pointlessly pedantic as well.



Seattle Pioneer

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  • 2 months later...

" There are many definitions of advancement, but the Scouting definition might well be, simply, "the art of meeting a challenge."

It is in what the scout learns and achieve in challenge of the Eagle project. What is the challenge for Mom & Dad to fund the project ? Is there no other way for funding in the area ? These are questions the District Advancement Committee need to address, as well as the Scoutmaster, the the Troop Committee.

As a demonstration of leadership, the scout must plan the work, organize the personnel needed, and direct the project to its completion. In the materials needed and how were they acquired, as in the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, what ever means should be listed and approved prior to the start of the project.

SemperParatus is correct the Life to Eagle Seminar is where most of the information is given out,and if not then contact your District Advancement Chair. Asks Questions.

Congratulations to your son in achiving Life. Remeber It is his Eagle Project

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with seabear. While a Life Scout, he must plan, develop, and give leadership. I don't think "give leadership" means to lead his parents to buy his Eagle. He has to plan and develop the project. How can he take credit if the parents do it for him?

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  • 1 month later...

Some well meaning people in our council are proposing that Eagle projects be approved only if there is good evidence the project will include at least a specified value of donated money or goods. I would tend to view this as an additional requirement on the Eagle candidate, beyond the BSA requirements. Thoughts?


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