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New Citizenship in Community Requirements


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I think teh opposite of what one said. The public school IS a charitable organization, even though it is the governmentr adn the private school may or may not be a charitable organization. Association with a church does not exclude it from being for-profit.

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Well, LH, that was a cheap shot for no reason.


I think you are over thinking this one. People moving into a community is usually good for the community. They increase the tax base, bring new ideas, etc. And if they move to the community because of the schooling, that says a lot.


I also think you are really making this requirement a lot harder than it needs to be.


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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Making things easy is not my job. Looking for the interpretation that allows the scout the easiest means to an end is not my job. For this badge and these requirements my job is to prompt the boy to look around his community for an organization that he is not currently aware of or familiar with, if that organization can not be found adaptations are made but projects which simply require physical labor on the part of the scout won't qualify with me. Answering a plea on a flier or ad in the paper doesn't fit the requirements as I see them. This badge seeks to broaden the scouts horizons and contacts within his community, not just provide another source for an Eagle required MB.

As for my reference to not wanting to be a stand in for Merlyn being a cheap shot read your posts in this thread. On 11/13/2007 at 1:20:16 pm you state; NOT as your opinion, NOT as something you would apply when counseling the badge, BUT "Being a CitC MB counselor, these would be fine for the merit badge as well as rank." as  fact. You go on the say that "The MB requirement is the MB's call" yet you seek to deny me that right by saying that "these things would be fine for the merit badge". When I attempt to clarify my interpretation and position you again make a sweeping statement "This can be achieved for any service project as long as it is outside of Scouting." Which is a totally inaccurate statement as the requirements put certain parameters in place which preclude some service projects. When I respond to another forum member as to the difference between being considered a charitable organization for tax purposes and a charitable organization of the type referred to in the Merit Badge you ask for the schools main purpose. Which by definition of "school" is education, when I further point out that a school designated as a charitable organization which charges a tuition would not fit the requirement as a "charitable organization that brings people together to work for the good of the community" You then attack, for lack of a better word, me personally saying I'm over thinking this because I can see a difference between a purpose and a side effect. This is the exact same pattern you take with Merlyn at times.  You attempt to mis-state facts or present your personal opinion as fact.  I've made my point concerning my interpretation of  reqirement 7 for CitC MB Ed if you disagree find that is your right. You are now free to have the last word which is your want in these cases I will not respond to you further in this thread. If someone else has a position I will listen.


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