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"Eagle Board Won't Like It"


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"They looked for an excuse and came up with the unsufficient leadership rationale to back-justify."

When the board failed the boy, what specific reasons did they give, and exactly what did they tell the boy (in writing) he needed to do to to meet the requirements and be passed? "Insufficient leadership" is much too vague. How can a boy fix that and come back next month?

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The EBoR told him to choose a new project. I agree that "insufficient leadership" is too vague. It is completely subjective and that's the problem I had with their call. This guy planned, met with appropriate authorities, budgeted, recruited labor, organized them, gave instructions, monitored problems, and came up with solutions. And documented the whole thing. It was a fine job for a 13 year old. The reason they gave was completely bogus, IMO.

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Or was the execution complete chaos?


How would a Eagle Board know it was complete chaos? Unless the troop does its own Eagle Boards?


I have heard that the Eagle Board for the District that I am in, has a couple of folks on it that say no scout under 16 will get his Eagle from us. I do not know if this is true or not, But it would not surprise me.

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