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What's happened to Camping MB


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I'm not opposed to changes in merit badge requirements as times change.


Okay, so back when I was a kid -- going camping was enough. We enjoyed the campouts. Sure, we had planned activities for Saturdays, but just being in the open was enough.


Now it seems like the boys get into camp and the camp is a means to an end -- what are we going to DO on the campout?


I don't have a problem with the merit badge giving 6 options when only 2 are required. We ought to be able to figure out how to make it work.


What got me thinking along these lines . . . ?


When I took Safety Merit Badge in 1978, one of the requirements was to stand on a street corner for 4 hours and take notes of safety problems (red lights run, crossing against traffic, etc.)


I don't know why they took that requirement out of the Safety Merit Badge? Anyone care to guess ;) ?



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I took a lot of grief for squelching two posters in the past. One was thrown off the board, the other I was lead to believe would behave. Today I have squelched two users again. I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be the same two.


I gave my response to OGE's request in private.

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