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Merit Badge Counselor Registration


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Am I missing something? What's the big deal about filling out another application? It seems simple enough to me.


Our Council recently updated the Merit Badge Counselor list and asked MB Counselors to fill out new applications. It seems the reactions here reflect what went on for us.


Again, what's the big deal?

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Interesting thread.


Has it occured to anyone that there may be a far, far more simple reason the BSA requires registration as a merit badge counselor for all merit badge counselors?


Sometimes, as Freud used to say, a cigar is just a cigar.


In the 1930's, the BSA needed to figure out how many and who were its members. They began a registration process whereby all filled out forms to indicate they were members of the BSA.


Forget about criminal background checks, although I understand they are done for all new registrations. That's not why merit badge counselors need to be registered.


I think they need to be registered so we know who they are. You may be a registered Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster, but how is the council supposed to pull your name up on a list if you aren't also registered as a merit badge counselor? The BSA requires a registration form for each position -- and, although merit badge counselor isn't a paid position, there is still an application required.


I know some Scoutmasters who chose not to become merit badge counselors. That's their choice. We can't assume every registered leader is a merit badge counselor or that every merit badge counselor is a registered leader.


I worry when someone (such as a teacher or other non-scouter) refuses to fill out an application to be registered as a merit badge counselor. There's no fee, so what is there to hide?



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Look, we are talking about people who are ALREADY registered in another position. Furthermore, nobody has refused to do this--I just wanted to know why it needs to be done. It can't be because they need to know who the counselors are, because in our district, anyway, there is a separate form counselors fill out to identify what badges they want to counsel. That puts them on the list. Up until the new directive, only those who weren't otherwise registered had to fill out a BSA registration form.


Bob White now says that some of the unit Scouters have never received background checks. Ok--that suggests this policy is a quiet way of getting more of these folks checked out without a wholesale requirement of new checks. But again, why not just do a background check on everybody who's never had one? Maybe it's because the current registration form gives consent for a check and some of the old ones didn't?

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May I ask a question, perhaps of DSteele, if he's lurking?


How is a Scouter who is registered in multiple positions counted? If I were a Cub Master, a Troop Committee Member, a Merit Badge Counselor, and on the District Committee, would I be counted as one person, or four?


And, if the answer is four, could this be a reason behind the need for multiple applications?



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What part isn't clear?

The only way to get a merit badge counselor registered is if he/she fills out an application. A currently registered scouter needs a separate application because there is

1) no other way to register them.

2) No other paperwork to designate they are dual registered.

3) The process you have been given to follow.

4) Not all current scouters are counselors and not all counselors are currently leaders. Nor will they ever be.

4) Gets a criminal background check on ALL counselors.


It has nothing to do with quietly screening anyone. That is wrong...forget it...stop bringing it up... move on.


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As I've explained what seems like ten times, the prior practice in our district was that a person who wanted to be a merit badge counselor would fill out a form designating what badges he wanted to counsel, and what his qualifications were. If he was already registered for another position, he didn't have to register again. If he wasn't, he had to register. Somehow, the district was able to figure out which counselors were separately registered and which weren't. Bob, there is nothing in your list that suggests why this prior procedure wasn't good enough. The closest I can come is that you seem to be saying that this procedure is needed to make really, really sure that a background check has been done on all counselors. The only reason for that I can think of is what you yourself suggested--not all unit Scouters have received background checks. Is there some sensitivity to bringing up this issue? Because if you just find in annoying, you can always stop reading the thread.

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The merit badge application alone is insufficient because as explained previously, National requires merit badge counselors to complete BSA membership applications for the purpose of Youth Protection.


There is no charter or other paperwork to show dual registartion for merit badge counselors who are also volunteers in other areas of scouting. They must complete an application for the position of MB Counselor as well.


Why would anyone refuse to do this? Why would you want someone who refused to do this to have direct contact with youth?

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Me thinks the answer lies in the question asked by our Dear Friend from Ohio.

In days of olde, when Scouts were bold

And Computers hadn't been invented.

The Charters came out asking what position you hold?

They were then filled out,

without word or shout

and you were down as you intended.

Things worked fine; Well most of the time,

However people wearing too many hats

Messed up all the stats.

The Registrars were up in arms it's a crime, it's a crime a waste of our time

They yelled and sometimes they snorted

Oh what can we do to get all of this sorted.

We have to many places,

we don't know the faces.

Is he just a counselor or a Scouter as well?

If we can find a way everything will be swell.

Eureka they cried, we'll soon turn the tide.

They need to conform, and fill out a new form.

The Data was fine, a code on each line.

Now all through the Land

Every things Grand.

Please don't ask why? Or whimper or cry.

Just fill out the form and learn to conform.

If not you'll surely get busted.


(This message has been edited by Eamonn)

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I talked to my council's registrar and Field Director about this topic. It made sense to me that there needed to be a way to count who was a merit badge counselor and who was not, but it turns out (according to them) that there is more to it than that:


Here is some of what I found out:


Merit Badge Counselors have been required to fill out an adult application (in addition to any council forms) since 1988. They fill out an adult application, position code 42 and pay no fee.




1) This allows the council to know who is a merit badge counselor. If someone, as Mark points out in his example, is a Scoutmaster, Cubmaster, etc. he/she has to fill out an application for each position. Period, end of report. Merit badge counselor is an unpaid position.


2) Even if a merit badge counselor is also registered in a unit position -- look at the approvals. For a unit leader or committee member, the approval comes from the Committee Chairman, Charter Rep, or Institutional Head or a combination of the above. For a merit badge counselor, the approval comes from the Scout Executive or designee.


An important sub-point, the SM may be approved by the chartered partner (IH, CC, CR) and accepted (which is the wording on the adult application I'm looking at) by the council. However, for a merit badge counselor, the approval comes from the council. The charter partner may be quite comfortable with Joe as a Scoutmaster, but that doesn't mean the council advancement committee or the designee feels comfortable with him as a merit badge counselor for whatever reason.


Two positions, two approval processes.


Those are the two major reasons that stuck in my little brain.



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For the one who asked if every position that you are multiple in counts to membership numbers only your primary position counts. Plus the only membership numbers that national really cares about are the youth numbers. I know my council has been requiring merit badge councilors to fill out the adult application form for last 15 years plus. The other form listing the badges you will do is just for the advancement committee. Who then make up the list for the troops to know who and what badges they will do.

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I give up. I will simply obey. Anyway, I received an e-mail today from council telling me we can just photocopy the prior registration form, add any missing info (especially Social Security Number), write in "42", initial changes, and send it it.

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