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Merit Badge Validity

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I have a similar situation in the unit I'm serving is that a scout who does not attend summer camp due to his family leaving the state to live in at their ranch the COR has offered to sign off his blue card for horsemanship. Now my problem is that although she may have taken the training for a merit badge she is not registed for this subject nor is she meeting with the scout she is covering the topics with his Mom and the Mom will check to see if he know these items. In the panels opionion should I go to the S.M. and raise some objections to this?

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Why not just take the appropriate paperwork (Adult Application and Merit Badge Counselor Application) to the COR and explain that it will be necessary for her to be properly registered for her signature to count on the merit badge? She probably just doesn't know.

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What I get from this is the COR is taking the Scout's mother's word that he has completed all the requirements???


If this is true, even if the COR was a registered MB counselor for this badge, she still must meet the BSA requirements!


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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Ron, The answer is the same though the situation may seem complex. As long as the person signing the card is registered and approved there is no problem. I would recommend that you simply gather the needed forms and share them with both and suggest that whomever is qualified to counsel Horsemanship must register in order for the advancement to be accepted by the BSA. Offer it it as an assistance to the scout, not as a corrective measure to the adults.


There is a counselor orientation instruction sheet from the BSA that you can get from your local council office, or private message me and I will send you one.



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Really!! So a counselor never really has to meet with a scout he or she just has to ask the parent if your son knows this knows that and can sign off on the blue card? I know you really did type that but that's kinda what I'm readiing please correct me if I'm misunderstanding you.

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No thats not what I said. I am saying that rather than raise an objection, recruit them if they feel they are qualified. it is not for the unit to determine their qualifications. that is the job of the District/Council Advancement committees ONCE they have received an application.


This will do a number of things for you. First it reminds them that to sign off on a merit badge you must be a registered approved counselor.


Second, it avoids an unnecessary confrontation and allows you to get the message across in a more positive manner.


Thirdly, it resolves the issue with the scout, he will either have a qualified counselor from mom or the COR or he will know that he needs to see a qualified one. (We will come back to this point).


Fourth, shares the work with the District/council advancement committee. They have the responsibility to approve or disapprove, the unit has the responsibility to train them if approved. Everyone doing their part to benefit the scout.


Lets go back to point three. It was the Scoutmasters Job to see that the scout had a registered approved counselor BEFORE issuing the blue card. Did he do that task or not.


If he did then a counseling session with the scout is in order to find out why that counselor is not involved.


If he did not then your problem isn't mom or the COR. Your SM left a void in the process and nature abhors a vacuum. His error in administration is what welcomed in the problem. Once you have the scout taken care of it is time to get the SM back on track.


Hope this clarifies things.

BW(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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I'm a counselor for the Sports merit badge but I don't go watch every scout play in their chosen sports

Fat Old Guy,

But do you take a 3rd party (parents, friends, etc.) word that a Scout has completed the requirement or do you talk to the Scout?

Bob is missing the point. The COR IS NOT talking to the Scout, just taking mom's word the Scout has completed the requirement.


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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Thats correct Ed...how can a counselor know if a Scout completes the requirements without ever meeting with him?


At last nights troop meeting the Mom mentioned to me is "That Horsemanship merit badge is tough, I've been on ranches all my life and around horses and I dont even know half of it, You'ed have to be a vet or something"

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