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Sports Merit Badge


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The Sweet Sixteen of Safety, found in the Guide to Safe Scouting, requires that scouts in all activities have, and use, the proper Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). It also makes the adult leader responsible for making sure that this is done.


Tackle football has a well known set of PPEs that are needed to offer a responsible as well as reasonable safety level to the participants. To ignore that need under the guise of "it's just a pick up game" is not a responsible attitude for a leader to have.


Flag football is a safe an equally fun alternative that removes the risk of injuries caused by impact contact with the ground and other players. It is a responsible alternative to tackling and meets the requirements of the G2SS.


This is not the stuff of urban legend, it is the stuff of responsible leadership. Urban legend is thinking you can deliver a quality scouting program without needing to know and use the scouting program.(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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While I agree flag football is safer than tackle but to say it removes the risk of injury caused by impact contact with the ground and other players is flat out wrong! Have you ever played flag football, Bob? Obviously not. It can be more injury filled than tackle! And by pick-up game I meant a pick-up game of touch or flag football, not tackle.


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10(This message has been edited by evmori)(This message has been edited by evmori)

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But no one is answering his question -


"Does anyone KNOW (not guess) why martial arts is not allowed?"


and/ or who or where do you contact in BSA to find out why or how it might be suggested to change the rule on the sports badge?



It just plain doesn't make sense that they would allow Judo and Football and Wrestling, but not allow other martial arts.


besides - who teaches Judo anymore?


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  • 5 years later...

"besides - who teaches Judo anymore?"


Judo is the number two widely practiced (not spectator, but actually practiced) sport in the world, it is only behind soccer. After Track & Field, it has the most countries participate in the Olympics.


So it's a safe bet there are people around that still teach it :)



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"Does anyone KNOW (not guess) why martial arts is not allowed?"


I believe the change happened in 1974, from some research I have done on the subject. I doubt the people that made the change are still around to ask what and why. My best guess is political correctness starting to run amok.



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