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New Emergency Preparedness Award


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I have questions on the requirements for the new emergency preparedness award. One of the requirements is that a scout has to earn the first aid or emergency preparedness badge. Does that mean a scout has to have one of the badges or has to earn a new one?


The first aid emergency preparedness badge requires the first aid badge be earned first. How can it be one badge or the other?


What if a scout already has both badges?


Thanks for any help or any suggestions where I can find more information.



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The badge came out pretty quickly following the war in Iraq. I'm sure there are bugs that are being worked out. It, as you pointed out, is a new award and can be earned at several different levels -- there are requirements for Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Unit adults, Council and district adults, etc.


Earning Emergency Preparedness Merit badge, also as you point out, means they had to have first aid merit badge, so if they have the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge they qualify. If they only have First Aide Merit Badge they also qualify. In both cases, they need to fulfill the rest of the requirements. Because you can earn a merit badge only once, Scouts who already have the merit badges would not have to re-take them, although they can certainly be asked to demonstrate knowledge in those areas.



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I may try getting our troop to earn this award:)

We did Emergency Prep last night(I know that is a bad sign:):() and we plan to set our troop up to be ready to respond if needed...


Our Scout Master is a safety officer for a construction company and a volunteer fire fighter.

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