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Merit badge timing question


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I have recently signed up to be a merit badge counselor, and I have a question about timing. Specifically, when the requirements call for an activity that has to take place over a period of time, does it all have to be done after the blue card is first signed, or can it include activities done before? What if the activities were done before the boy was a scout? For example, Music includes "Serve for 6 months as a member of a school, church, Scout unit, or other local musical organization; or perform as a soloist in public six times." If the boy shows me he was in the school band the previous year, is that OK? What if it was before he joined the troop? Similarly, for camping, do all 20 nights have to be done after the card is signed, or do you count all the eligible campouts since the boy became a scout? (If it's the former, I guess every boy should get a blue card for Camping on day 1.) I apppreciate any help on this. I apologize if I've just missed an obvious answer.

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First and foremost, the MB counselor has much discretion. Personally, I limit activities to "when the youth was a scout." Second, if applicable, I like the scout to do the work after signing up for the card. However, such activities as cooking and camping I will count while the boy was a scout even if he did the activities before signing up for the MB in question. Third, I break my rules sometimes.(This message has been edited by acco40)

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I've gotten the same question from MB counselors, camping in particular. I've always given the same advice -- if it was troop or patrol camping nights, they can go retroactive.


Now, I encourage all Scouts to begin working on Camping MB early in their "careers". The pamphlet information goes into more detail than the handbook does -- helps set them up for success.



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Welcome to the campfire Hunt!!


I also agree with acco40. I personally do not count activities PRIOR to scouting for MB credit. However, i'm more lenient when it comes to the card. I feel it's more important that they do/did the requirements, not when they gave me the MB card...JMO.


Sparkie :)(This message has been edited by Sparkie)

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I also tend to agree with the others. I do not credit a boy for any pre-scouting experience, but if, for example, a boy is enrolled in band and then begins work on the Music MB I will credit that.


Our SM encourages the boys to be alert for meetings that may fill requirements for merit badges, and those who are will invariably get a blue card and have the requirement(s) signed off before they leave. There are no time limits for completion of MBs other than that they must be done before the scout's 18th birthday.


Our troop also encourages the boys to keep activity tracking sheets, a form the leadership hands out every so often. That way they have a written record of what they've done when they are ready to begin working of MBs that require them to do something over a period of time. Good for them and easy for the counselor.


What I will object to is a boy who calls me for the first session only after doing all the work so I can review his work and sign him off. I think this is just a "rubber stamp", and I refuse to do it. MB counselors are supposed to be qualified in their area(s) and boys cheat themselves of valuable insight & experience by trying to bypass the counselor sessions.

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