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1st & last Eagle-Required Badges?

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I was the Comminications MB counselor for a week of summer camp last year. We were able to do all the requirements but one in the course of a week and did many outside of the classroom setting. We had 28 scouts take the course that week.



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Swimming is first in our troop - our boys like the water. the ones that have trouble with swimming get first aid or one of the Cit first and take 2 yers for swimming (or more) the Cit and 'paperwork' badges, are all offered at Merit Badge colleges done once or twice a year in our council - and easy way to get them if you apply yourself and do the prerequisites ahead.


Perts fitness and pers management are the last - I suspect because of the individuality of them - they are not usually offered in a camp or 'class' setting and MUST really be done without outside structure or a group setting.


Electives though, vary - but again, our troop is heavy into water - canoeing, rowing, even small boats, waterskiing and Motorboating are popular early electives. and of course - the shooting sports - Rifle, Archery and shotgun.

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First Eagle-required badges earned: Swimming and first-aid.


Last (usually even after Eagle-project paperwork is finished): Personal Management and Personal Fitness. It's all about the length of time required to complete and the record-keeping involved. Family Life is one of the last, too.


If a boy doesn't quite finish his Eagle work on time, it's because these two are stuck as partials.


Electives first earned: Usually any of the "critter studies". Maybe it's because our Merit Badge Madness precedes summer camp, which doesn't offer handicraft badges. Maybe it's because we're in such a rural area in Florida.

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