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Where Do I Get All The Neat Stuff ??


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I seem to be really busy this year attending Eagle Scout Courts Of Honor.

Which is great.

Needless to say some are well run and some need a little help.

One unexpected good thing that has arisen from attending these, is that number one son (Not that hard as he is an only child.) Has made a start on his Eagle project.

He informs me that he is going to build planters, at waist level for people in wheel chairs and those who have problems stooping, in a local assisted living village. It seems that all systems are go.

All the signatures are in the book, plans are in hand.

Now it is just trying to fit it in, what with trying to get the new Venture Crew up and running, the Drama Club, Staffing JLTC, being the Brotherhood Chair of the OA lodge, and keeping the grass cut.

This is the hard bit !!

Still I have a feeling that him seeing the other lads that went to the Jamboree, with him, and many of these lads also being active in the lodge,as Eagle Scouts, will spur him on.

At this stage I'm very happy to do nothing. In fact that is what I will do. This is his Eagle.

Come the day, I plan to play the part of the proud Dad, Her that must be obeyed, is taking bets that I will cry.

I really want to load him up with all the neat stuff, from the President and lots of other important people. One lad a year or so back had a letter from Bob Hope, and others have had a letter from the Pope.

How do I go about getting all this neat stuff ?(This message has been edited by Eamonn)

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Eamonn --


The simple ansswer is you write to them and invite them to the court of honor. They typically don't attend, but the inviation may trigger a letter.


The offices of the President of the United States and many senators and congressmen have standard letters that the staff send out. You'll have to dig on the internet or elsewhere for addresses of folks like Bob Hope. I was once at an Eagle Court of Honor where a beautifully written letter from Michael Jordan was read. I don't know how they got an address for him, but I'm pretty sure Michael didn't write it. Not that who wrote it made much difference. It had his signature on it and that was cool. In your particular case, it may be appropriate to write the Queen of England. Any response at all would be cool.

All I ask is that each letter not be read. You've been in enough Eagle Court of Honor audiences to know that you don't want the thing to go on forever . ..



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