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Camping badge - 20 nights?


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The only person who can decide this is the scout's Merit Badge Counselor. Not the Scoutmaster, not the District Advancement Chair, not the parent. All merit badges work must be the approval of the counselor. If the the counselor determines that the scout met the requirement while camping with the family or outside a scout event then it is OK. My son is in a school sponsored high adventure club. Their activities are run as well or better then many troops. If I was the camping counselor for any of the scouts in that club I would certainly accept the nights they camp.


Bob White

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Actually, as Bob White has said, the correct person to be asking this question is your sons Camping MB counselor. I would recommend your son talk to his counselor; and, if it's going to stress/worry him to get "this" MB, there are plenty of other Eagle MBs he can work on with more than enough time to reach his goal.



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I was afraid you would say that - I'M his merit badge counselor - and the only one for 'Camping' in the troop.


I have no problem signing off on the other requirements - they've been done in the troop or otherwise well-documented.


I have a couple of other boys in the troop working on the badge - but none as close to finishing as Jon. Even if we count our 2 family campouts (5 nights), he still doesn't have enough and needs more.


I think I'll ask around at roundtable next week and see if I can find someone else in the area that counsels that badge... and ask them. See what is considered 'acceptable' in our area.


I've also been working on getting some of our other adults registered as badge counselors - certainly there should be more than ONE person in our troop qualified to counsel "Camping" !



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