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Anybody ever NOT have an Eagle Court of Honor?


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We have a boy in our Troop that has earned Eagle. Between sports, music, a "home and home" visit with a foreign exchange student, major school projects, and preparation to leave for the Military academy, he cannot come up with a time convenient to do a Court of Honor. He has also talked about not doing one because he just isn't comfortable with the spotlight being directed soley on him.


In our Troop, the celebration of Eagle Scout is a major event. We all feel as though we acknowledge the role the boy's family played in the achievement, as well as the role the Troop had in his suceess. While talking to him about it, I tried to stress how important this celebration is to others, even if it isn't important to him. Just like I would expect an Eagle Scout to react, he understands that and is willing to accept it, even if it means some discomfort to him. But we just can't seem to find a spot on the calender to make it happen.


Has anyone ever heard of Not having a Court of Honor for an Eagle Scout? Could his recognition come in a simple ceremony at a Troop meeting? I asked him if we can do it at our normal C of H, but he isn't able to make it because of a conflict with sports.


Any suggestions?



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I agree with you that it should be celebrated as a major accomplishment, however it is up to the Scout and if he doesn't want a big court of honor you have to abide by it. You can award the badge however/whenever you and the scout can get together, be it at a campout, a troop meeting or whatever. If no formal Court is done as the boy wishes, I think somewhere down the road he will look back and realize that he made a mistake.

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We had a scout just like this. Got busy with collage and other things. Was a great scout, always there and always helpful. But after we got eagle award back from national he was gone to collage and just seemed to not want to bother with it. We held it for a while then sent it to his parents.

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My older son waited eight months before he found time. I just went to an ECOH that was done at the Scout's house with only close family friends. There were only two scouters from his troop invited, the present SM, and the previous SM, me. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable time with a barbecue lunch. What I found most interesting was the guests felt very honored to be invited. It was a warm and personal ceremony.



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I had a boy a number years ago who didn't want a ECOH. We never had one. I personally delivered the Eagle kit from our Council Service Center after sitting there for 6 months, but it was never presented in a ECOH. It was situtaton where the boy just didn't seem to excited about receiving the award, however, his parents seemed to want it.

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In this situation, use one of the short, sweet, and simple Eagle COH "ceremonies" that can be found in the Advancements section of this site or at eaglescout.org. It can be tied in with a campout, troop gathering, troop COH, or even during a troop meeting.


Not knowing your Eagle, it's hard to know his thinking. Some are quite aware of the significance of attaining the rank, but simply do not like all of the falderall associated with a major ceremony where they are in the spotlight. I have known several who were quite humble about the whole thing and were very content with a simple recognition ceremony. If the Eagle and his parents wish to keep it basic, honor the request.


Please extend my sincere congratulations to your Eagle and best wishes for continued success with honor in his future endeavors.

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Been there, done that. We have 'threatened a drive by ceremony' to a number of scouts who have earned their Eagle. Seems that scouts who earn their Eagle are the ones who are very acitve and busy in their lives and finding time to have a ceremony falls to the side.


As a parent of two Eagles, one who earned it at 16 and was 19 before he finally had a ceremony ( in conjunction with another Eagle who was age 20 by the time it came about and planned by the other scout) I understand the frustration. My other son is so busy with school that it will be middle to the end of March before any time comes possible.


We have had Eagle presented at court of honors, troop meetings, etc. etc.


One thing you might mention to the scout is that the ceremony is not all about the scout receiving the award, but also a recognition and thanks to all of those who helped them get there. Time spent at the store getting the patrol food, driving to the overnights, badge counselors, meetings and the nights spent sleeping on the ground to participate in the scouting experience.


My oldest son had his grandpa present his Eagle to him. A special moment. I was Master of Ceremony. A special moment. The presentation of the Eagle is a recogniton of the scout and also the recognition of those who helped.



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Thanks all to the great comments.


Eagle74 hit it right on the head. This Eagle recognizes the importance of the accomplishment, and what it took (both his own effort and the help of others) to acheive this. I think his attitude is that he IS an Eagle Scout now, he doesn't need a big ceremony to prove it. Kind of like being just as married if you have a few friends as witnesses instead of a 300 guest gala event.


I like the idea of at least doing a ceremony during a Troop meeting though. Although we make a big deal at regular C of H for ranks earned in the last months, we pretty much just hand Rank badges out with a quick congratulations and applause at the end of our Troop meetings. We could at least do a 10 - 15 minute ceremony during the meeting, and make sure his family is there.


The Eagle, the SM and I are going to try and get together this weekend to come to some decision about this. I think that will be the suggestion I make.


Thank you, thank you all.



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  • 3 weeks later...



Thanks for asking. The SM and I spent the better part of an evening discussing with him the merits of doing a C of H. Mostly it centered on him being willing to allow others close to him to celebrate his acheivement, even if it makes him feel uncomfortable. He spent the evening agreeing that it should be done, but every attempt we made to come up with a date had a valid reason why it couldn't be: April 11, - no, I'll be in France with the French Class. May 12th, - no the SM will be out of town at a wedding. etc., etc. He is leaving for West Point in July so the window is kind of small.


It turns out that the school district cancelled all class trips this year, so the trip to France is off. Although we had tentitively set a date that he didn't like ("jet lag"), it looks like it will be fine and the ceremony will go ahead. He has even picked out some Scripture readings he would like, so I think he is at least is on board.


The guy is a terrific young man. Heck, he is an Eagle Scout, an honor student, plays two varisity sports, and is going to West Point. He has every reason to be proud. I think he just isn't comfortable in the spot light. But we've agreed to tone down the ceremony and our comments, and it looks like the tone might become more that of a roast. But that's what he's comfortable with, and I'm just glad to see it's happening.



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While i agree the ceremony should be an individual choice, I think the COH, if done well, is not only for the eagle candidate, but also can be great incentive for younger boys in the troop. We always see a surge in MB's and advancement after an eagle COH. The younger scouts think that maybe one day it will be them up there!

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You can bet that it was exactly that point we used to twist a little arm. He kept telling us that what made him want to be an Eagle was being at an Eagle C of H back about 3 months after he joined the Troop. The ceremony impressed him enough to want to make Eagle himself. We tried to get him to think about one of our smallest Scouts sitting in the audience at his and thinking the same thing.



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