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Merit badge time limit


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Double ditto! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


Our District Advancement Chair is developing a test for merit badge counselors. The intent is to clean up the massive counselor list. The test is for new & existing counselors. When it is ready, it will be online. If anyone would be interested, let me know & I'll post the link. The expected due date is January 2003.



Ed Mori


Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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There is no limit to the number of merit badges a boy can earbn from a single counselor providing the counselor is registered and qualified for each badge. This includes the scouts own parents.

pg 13 of Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures Qualifications of Counselors.

Bob White(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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The troop currently has a 6 month limit and will only let the boys work on 2 at a time. Where do you suppose this came from? Also what do you think about not letting a boy work on a merit badge because the books info is out of date (atomic energy)?



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There are a lot of leaders who set imaginary rules for advancement in violation of the BSA policies and program.

Why would you want a scout to learn outdated information. If he wants the Atomic Energy merit badge he should use the current book. Had he already begun the badge under the old book he can either finish it or transfer idwentical requirements over and finish with the more up-to-date version.


Bob White(This message has been edited by Bob White)

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Your Council can limit the number of MBs a counselor is registered for, but cannot limit the number of merit badges that he can work with an individual scout on, if he is registered for them.


So a council can say you cannot register for more than five as a counselor, but cannot say that the counselor can only do three MB per scout.





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