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Famous Eagle Scouts

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Here's a list of some in the news or who are well known that I quote often. If anyone wants to add one or make a comment, please let me know. The year in parathensis is the year of the Eagle Award. There are many more, including other Senators, Congressman, and CEO's.


Steve Fossett (member of the National BSA Board)

Mike Bloomberg - Mayor of New York City

Dick Gebhardt (1955)- Minority leader US House of Representatives

Neil Armstrong - first man on the moon

Bill Bradley - former US Senator, New Jersey and New York Knicks basketball star

Jeff Beingaman (1958) - US Senator, New Mexico

Gerald R. Ford (1927) - US President

James A. Lovell, Jr (1943) - Astronaut, Gemini, Appollo 13

J. William Marriott, Jr. - CEO Marriott Corp

Sam M. Walton (1934) - deceased, CEO, Wal-Mart

William Westmoreland (1930)- General, US forces Vietnam

Elmo R. Zumwalt (1937) - Admiral, former Chief of Naval Operations.

Mr. Justice Stephen Breyer - US Supreme Court


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