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When should a scout receive his rank patch?


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I am a new Committee Chair and would like the proper interpretation of this passage from the Scoutmaster Handbook.


Step 4A Scout Is Recognized

Immediate recognition is a powerful incentive of the BSAs advancement program. A Scout should receive his new badge as soon as possible after his achievement has been certified by a board of review. A simple ceremony at the conclusion of a troop meeting or during a campout is ideal, with the Scoutmaster making the presentation of the badge.

In addition, a troop holds a court of honor every three months a formal recognition with families, friends, and the public in attendance. All Scouts who have moved up to any rank except Eagle Scout, or who have earned merit badges since the last court of honor, should be recognized.



I have 5 widely divergent meanings from otherwise reliable sources. They all say their's is the only right one.




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Hmmm . . . Sounds like the Scoutmaster Handbook has it exactly right. You didnt mention what the other five opinions were, nor where the scouting program supports those other views.


At one time our committee held the view that the Court of Honor was the correct and only place to present awards. That included rank patches, merit badges, camporee patches, summer camp ribbons, certificates and any and every type of award you can imagine. Since our Courts of Honor were scheduled only 2 or 3 times a year, the boys had to wait a very long time to receive their awards. Sometimes they waited so long they forgot what awards they had coming.


Now, I present all awards at the very next meeting or outing. At the Court of Honor, the boys get called up for recognition in front of the audience, and their patch or award or whatever is already proudly sewn or pinned on their uniform. Its the only way to go.


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My thought is that the patch is presented after the Board of review, at that meeting or next. At Court of Honor the card and parent pin is presented with recognition to the scout.


The furthest from that postion is the council office which says the Board of Review is not certified until the report is logged into the computer at council. Therfore no badge can be presented until the council office returns the patch after logging it. Verbal recognition is given after the BOR at the meeting. The patch can be presented at some other time, preferably the COH.


This, they say, is nationals only way they allow the selling of rank patches.

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You're right to a point.

1) First recognition-The SCOUT earns his rank once he has passed the troop's BOR (except for the Eagle) and he should get verbal recognition that night. The board should sign the rank advancement paperwork immediately and send it to council for the badge and pocket certificate.


2) Second recognition-- at the next troop meeting the SCOUT should get the badge if it is back from council-or-get a verbal recognition in front of the troop (sometimes this happens on BOR night but not all troop do BORs on troopp nights)


3) 3rd recognition (sometimes 2nd) The scout should be presented the badge of rank ASAP! DO NOT wait for the Court of Honor! The boy might have to wait 3 months for a COH by then he could earn another rank and never get a chance to display his previous one.


4) final recognition--at the next COH give the scout the pocket certificates for his achievements since the last COH.


Just because council wants good records that is not a bad thing and there is no need to wait until a COH to present the badge.


Bob White

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ctablock - I am confused. After the board of review the advancement form is filled out and signed and handed in to the scout store when you are purchasing the patch. At no time does council send us a patch or confirmation that they have even received the form. All such records are sent to the District Advancement Chairman who keeps track of the units advancements.


Therefore after the board of review the patch can be given out as soon as we can get to the scout shop.

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I think if you check you will find that the District Advancement Chair gets the advancement report from the council service center. The council offfice is responsible for the permanent record keeping of membership and advancement for all districts in the council. Most councils will not sell rank awards until they have received the advancement paperwork from the unit.


Bob White

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In our council, the scout shop and store are one and the same. They are removed from our location. Mail often takes more than 1 week for the form/ patch to make a return trip. This means express mail or driving extra trips to guarantee presentation of the patch within a week. Our council also charges us postage so if there are merit badge cards or large awards in addition to the patch it is costly.

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We have a large troop and have a supply of every rank patch and card. We also hav a few Eagle Presentation boxes on hand (our scout shop often runs out). I have seen too many errors at our local council office and I think the scout need not wait wile I correct the error or shortage.

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Our council does not allow us to advance purchase any of the rank or merit badges. I wish they would since I can anticipate when a scout will be advancing or when they'll be finishing a merit badge. It isn't convenient for me or anyone else to get to the scout shop every time a scout earns a badge but I do my best.


My older son did not receive his rank advancement badge for 1st class for months! Now that I'm the advancement coordinator I will never let that happen in this troop. Generally the boys get their badge the very next troop meeting and then also get a formal recognition at our quarterly court of honor. The exception to this is this time of year. Because of summer camp I have 60+ merit badges and we're in the process of conducting boards of review for about 10 scouts. I can't make weekly trips to our scout shop so all the kids have been told that badges will be presented at our August court of honor (they still get the verbal recognition at a troop meeting).

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