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Duplicate MB Counselors?


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I agreed to be the MB counselor for Communications for my son's troop. Filled out the form, picked up the booklet, visited meritbadge.com, found some MB counselor training stuff on the web, figured out how to run the MB and, after investing a chunk of time, figured I had a game plan and was ready to go. Since the SM told me that none of the scouts had started the MB yet, I sent them an email, in order to get things going.


Yesterday, I heard back from one and was quite surprised to read that he had completed one of the requirements and that it was signed off! Say what? :mad: Is it acceptable for more than one MB counselor to work with a scout on a topic? Common? Shouldn't the MB counselor meet with the scout before he starts working on it? Is my nose bent out of joint for no good reason? After my experience with Webelos (NO! Parents may NOT sign off on the requirments!), maybe I'm hyper-sensitive. I really would appreciate feedback, cause the troop meeting's tonight.


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The scouts should meet with the SM and address his interest in the merit badge. The SM can assist him in locating an approved counselor. The scout gets a (SM) signed blue card and meets with the counselor. After going over the requirements, they agree on how to meet and fulfull the requirements. Usually, only one counselor will sign off but others may assist. By protocol, if more that one counselor is working towards a MB, they should discuss it before stepping on each others toes.

During camp or transferring to another troop, a scout may give a partially completed blue card to another approved counselor. This if fairly common. The thing you may be looking at is "approved". Counselors are usually recruited to serve as unit, area, or council level counselors, their option. Either way, more than just being able to read the pamphlet is needed to give the scout a in-depth look at the topic. Maybe you can both work towards teaching the MB. "Shared-Leadership" may be the way. It may also take some of the work off you. I'm glad that you have a couple of willing counselors for your scouts. Hope it helps.

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