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Eagle Religious Reference


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Curious to know if anyone has heard any info regarding the "religious" reference letter for Eagle Scout candidates. Scuttlebut has it that it will be difficult to accept a letter for an Eagle candidate who is not a member of a church, synagogue, etc. I'm trying to figure out if this is something being cooked up at the district/council level or if national is pushing something. I have some very definite feelings about this, but am looking for any info that we are headed toward a stricter interpretation of "a Scout is Reverent."

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Reverence isn't found only within a church and neither is the origination of a reference letter. A scouts duty to God is displayed in his everyday life in the way he cares about others and respects the life that God has given him. Get a letter from someone he knows that can attest to those attributes.


Best wishes,

Bob White

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I feel the same way Bob. Apparently this came up a at recent Eagle Board of Review in our troop. No problems during this particular Board, but word from the District Advancement Chair was that something may be coming down the pike. I am trying to get additional info, as I was not sitting on the Board. The gist of it from those who were in on the Board was that it was, in essence, going to take membership in a church to get through the Eagle reviews.


My personal feeling is that "membership" in a particular church is, in and of itself, no indication of duty to God. I have had the pleasure of knowing quite a few scouts who are not members of a church, do not attend church services on a consistent, frequent basis, but certainly live their lives in a manner that is most consistent with the Scout Oath and Law. I don't however, wish to start a thread on the merits or lack thereof on this point of view. Just wondering if anyone else had heard anything along a similar vein.

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