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How do you use Troopmaster?

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We use the Troopmaster software. Right now, our Advancements Chair runs it at home, and we get advancement and activity inputs to her by phone, e-mail, fax, carrier pigeon, etc. It works okay, but it's a little awkward. I just got an opportunity to read the actual Troopmaster manual, and it says you can merge data from several remotes, and theoretically have different people inputting different parts of the information. Do any of you use the program that way? How does it work for you?


Also, how do you get your updates to troopmaster to reflect requirement changes such as the recent First Class 9c moving to Swimming MB, and so on?

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As far as the requirement updaters, Troopmaster puts out "Patches" which correct these. I was under the impresion that only one person could be the base and changes made to that data base could be transfered to others using the back up file. We could never input data from more than one computer. When you transfer files it overwrites what was there before.

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We use troopmaster and treat it as our official record. Even if the software has the capability of being accessed from different remotes, I think it would be a mistake to do that. This would be like allowing all the students and parents in school to access the computer system where the grades are kept. Our advancement chair maintains the system and inputs everything. I think this is prudent because then he knows what he has done and what he has not done. This does require a bit of discipline on the part of all leaders to inform the advancement chair on a timely basis of what has happened.

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We use Troopmaster as well. I (Advancement Coord. for the troop) am the only one entering into troopmaster for the same reasons mentioned above. You definitely need/want controls on the information.


I have always received e-mail notification from troopmaster for any patches/updates. YOu can always go to their website to access the latest updates.


Currently I have Troopmaster on my laptop, only because the troop computer couldn't handle the newest version. We recently got a "new" computer and will be putting troopmaster on it. I will maintain it on both computers with mine being a backup basically. We have a printer in our troop as well so now I'll be able to get progress reports, updated rosters, OA eligibility, camping nights, etc. to the boys and leaders almost instantly.


I am a Troopmaster fan! Our records are in such good shape since we started using Troopmaster a year ago. Our previous Advancement person had troopmaster but was entering only sporadically in to it so I had to go through stacks of paper to try to catch everyone up -- it was worth the time.




(This message has been edited by AdvanceOn)

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I used Scoutmate for a time, but eventually abandoned it. The problem was that I could not take the records to troop meetings or campouts. What we use now is the BSA troop record book #34508. It tracks everthing the computerized system does and is easy to use. It's available at the scout shop for about $4.

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We have used Troopmaster for about 2 years. We upgraded to ME version. We have one site for the master records and one for advancement. It works very well to have this system. We will soon have multiple sites for membership, training, patrol advisers, and activities. The only real problem is that when you have a new member join, all data has to be pulled back from the satelite sites to the master record. Then new members are added, and all information sent back out again. As we are all on email, this works fairly well.

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