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Sex Segregated Programs Good?

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A Little background: I have 1 Webelos' date=' 2 Tigers, and Daisy, and a wife that is a very involved GSUSA leader. I would love to have a co-ed program. More specifically, I would love to have a program for girls that is as well run as the BSA's Cub Scout program is. I find the current Girl Scout program as it is delivered and run by the local council to be a disorganized trainwreck with little or no support for leaders.[/quote']


I have two daughters younger than my Wolf Den son. I have often thought that I would like to continue my daughters in the Cub program.

For one thing, it would just be easier as a family to juggle, since the girls are already doing the Cub Scout stuff anyway.

If or when my girls get into GS or whatever it is that they want to try.... I forsee lots of conflicts and missed events.

My thought is that different dens for boys and girls, falling under the same pack, might be a good solution.


While I have no exposure to it, I have to belive that the venturing coed example brought up earlier would apply in mainstream scouts too. I think it could be a good thing....

For the older Boy Scouts, it might even make it cooler once a few pretty gals join the troop!

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All those other countries just have no idea they are doing it all Wrong.

Wait till they read all those studies and realize they are making a big mistake.


I find it interesting that in Videos and Pictures from Other "third World" Scouting programs, there seems to be a Higher % of Females.

Watching the Promos For World Jambo..I see too many frilly girls rappelling and other Manly activities...they should be learning how to use the Easy Bake Ovens

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There are times when it is important to be able to go and hang out with the guys (or gals). Poker night, Gals' Shopping night out, Man-caves, Coffee-klatches, etc. are all examples of same-sex gatherings that are important at different times of one's life. Churches, schools, YMCA, etc all have co-ed programs. Where does a young man go to hang out with the guys? Same for the gals!



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  On 2/20/2013 at 8:08 PM, BadenP said:
Those of you who think only sex segregated scout programs work should come see our crew meetings on the local, district and council levels sometime. The young ladies are not at all intimidated about taking the lead from the guys and often do. As I have mentioned in my previous posts, our Venturing Crews in my council run like well oiled machines. We all pitch in to make sure the youth and adult leaders get the best training and experiences in all our crews, as a result all of them have strong programs and continue to grow each year. We are all so well organized and well trained that the SE comes to us to head up and organize council training as well. If the BSA ever does make all programs coed, like in other parts of the world, we all might be in for quite a positive surprise.
Ya Baden, I have seen the young ladies step up to be leaders in the venture crews as well.....Very simply the boys are burned out and happy to accept someone else doing the planning.
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I am happy to be the leader/guy in charge/person everyone asks to do things in Cub Scouts. When I send my daughter to Girl Scouts, I happily, quietly drop her off and sit in the lounge to myself, blissiful that these other parents don't know what a push over I am.

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A Little background: I have 1 Webelos' date=' 2 Tigers, and Daisy, and a wife that is a very involved GSUSA leader. I would love to have a co-ed program. More specifically, I would love to have a program for girls that is as well run as the BSA's Cub Scout program is. I find the current Girl Scout program as it is delivered and run by the local council to be a disorganized trainwreck with little or no support for leaders.[/quote']


I have two little girls coming up behind their big brother who's in the Wolf Den this year.

My girls have come to most every pack function....pinewood derby, camp outs, etc.... Not so much the den meetings, but they would surely have fun.

I forsee many schedule conflicts when my girls get a bit older and start in with GS, soccer, or whatever it is that they choose..... and I have often wished that our pack could be somehow coed. The girls are coming anyway since it's "family", so I'm thinking why not let them participate?

Could be girl dens and boy dens under the same pack with slightly diffeent activities or whatever..... but still one program.

It seems that Venturing works coed, so why couldn't Boy Scouts? I guess the name would have to be changed though, eh?


Anyway, interesting thread.


I participate with my son actively as a Scouter, and hope to be able to do something similar with my girls. From what i understand though, I'm not all that looking forward to GS.

I too wish there was a better option!

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  On 2/21/2013 at 6:43 PM, blw2 said:
A Little background: I have 1 Webelos' date=' 2 Tigers, and Daisy, and a wife that is a very involved GSUSA leader. I would love to have a co-ed program. More specifically, I would love to have a program for girls that is as well run as the BSA's Cub Scout program is. I find the current Girl Scout program as it is delivered and run by the local council to be a disorganized trainwreck with little or no support for leaders.[/quote']


I have two little girls coming up behind their big brother who's in the Wolf Den this year.

My girls have come to most every pack function....pinewood derby, camp outs, etc.... Not so much the den meetings, but they would surely have fun.

I forsee many schedule conflicts when my girls get a bit older and start in with GS, soccer, or whatever it is that they choose..... and I have often wished that our pack could be somehow coed. The girls are coming anyway since it's "family", so I'm thinking why not let them participate?

Could be girl dens and boy dens under the same pack with slightly diffeent activities or whatever..... but still one program.

It seems that Venturing works coed, so why couldn't Boy Scouts? I guess the name would have to be changed though, eh?


Anyway, interesting thread.


I participate with my son actively as a Scouter, and hope to be able to do something similar with my girls. From what i understand though, I'm not all that looking forward to GS.

I too wish there was a better option!

there is an alternative....Our Pack runs a Baden Powell service association den for the girls. It fizzled after a couple of years, but it is an option.
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Why do all programs have to be co-ed. Isn't there times when gender specific activities is appropriate, i.e. Poker Night, Tupperware Parties, Coffee Klatches, etc. Where do our young people go to hang out with friends of like ilk? Any guy out there that has been wrangled into a Baby Shower knows what I'm talking about.... :)


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