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It is not the kids as much as what the new technology is doing to their formation process into adulthood, creating such a dependency that they are not fully developing their communication skills and cognitive processes. Many teens today can not write a comprehensive report or deliver a well organized and detailed oral report without the greatest of difficulty. Many educators blame the fact that teens do not read as many books or write letters anymore, instead using the language of tweets, twitters, and the internet to communicate as the number one reason their written and oral skills are sorely lacking.


After all if you are texting to, my bff omg jane lol it made me rofl, all day long how can we expect them to be competent with the English language. In another decade this problem will become significantly worse. Our societys tecnology has created this problem so how do they plan to correct it?

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But Lisa, that's still a lack of commitment. If everything was rosy and just as promised, keeping commitments wouldn't be an issue. Yes, things change, the grass isn't as green as you thought and the Sea Monkeys don't look like the ones on the back of the comic book. That's not a reason to bail.


The last year my older son played baseball, he came home from practice and announced that he didn't like baseball anymore and was going to quit the team. "No, you're not. You made a commitment to the team. You're taking a spot someone else could have had and with only 11 players, if you quit, the team is only two players from forfeiting games. YOU'RE COMMITTED TO PLAY BASEBALL THROUGH THE END OF THE SEASON." He finished the season and never signed up again. And that was fine. He honored the commitment he made then moved on.


That's the situation we're dealing with on our Philmont crew. When you sign up you are committed to the crew. Other people are making plans based on your commitment. I don't care if the crew advisor turns out to be meddlesome or if the kid elected crew leader is bossy. If you drop out the crew is in danger of falling below the minimums then lots of people are going to loose thousands of dollars they paid based on the commitment you made.


As is usually the case, the parents are more to blame than the kids.

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I know that you have posted that the Scouts in the Venture Patrol, in the Troop that your son is in have had problems with adults who refuse to allow them to do the things they want, without a herd of adults tagging along.

I do see why these Lads would be upset and would maybe want to throw in the towel.


The kids in the Ship are a really nice group. Most are over 16. I do see and do understand how busy they are. In fact at times I wonder when they ever get time to sleep!

What I don't understand is why, they feel that they have to say that they are going to do something and then don't.

I don't know if they feel that by saying that they can't do something they are letting the side down?



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