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Incident at Summer Camp


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"Here is a boy who needs what Scouts has to offer."


I used to think that, but the kid has to be constantly reminded to keep his hands to himself, not throw things at people, stop goofing around, etc... He's been in my charge for two years, and the behaviors have not changed. We've tried very hard to work with him but Mom is a bit flaky and inconsistent with getting him to meetings, etc.. We are still waiting to see if 'what Scouts has to offer' makes any difference with him... I'm sad about it.. :-(


Stosh, your comments are not appreciated. I have worked harder with this boy than with any other kid in the troop. We had a discipline issue a few years back with another kid which we handled in much the same way and that kid turned his attitude around and is now my SPL. You should consider hiking a mile in my size 13's next time before you shoot off a comment like that.










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My apologies if you find my comments offensive, but I don't need to walk anywhere in your shoes. We have had scouts that had to quit scouting because they ended up in jail. We have had a scout stealing from our CO's soda purchase system, blue dye and all. I have had to disarm kids wielding clubs and sheath knives. I'm sure there are plenty of other SM's out there that could top my list of challenges, but that doesn't mean we settle with just the best of the best and let the rest go. Any boy that walks into the trooop gets the same opportunities as anyone else. Some are easy to work with, others will try your patience to the nth degree, but you do your best and you never give up. If you find that philosophy offensive, sorry, but that's my opinion, you are entitled to yours.



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Stosh, what I find offensive is your trivializing the efforts I have made in trying to work with this boy over the last few years. ( Its so easy to throw darts via anonymous email, isn't it? )


He HAS had every opportunity that every other scout has had and then some. He has been given every break in the book and multiple opportunities to correct his behavior, probably more than any other scout.


And if I had given up on him, then I would have expelled him from the troop. I did not do that, but he crossed the boundries of acceptable conduct this time.


He is ultimatly responsible for his own actions and suspension seemed to be the appropriate consequence.


This is one of those items that 'Scouts has to offer'. The lesson of personal responsibility.





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It's also easy to misinterpret "darts" when they don't exist as well. I usually find that in the anonymous world of forum posts and e-mail that when one is looking for the worst they usually find it and vise versa.


As a matter of fact, I did not intend to trivialize your response, as a matter of fact, I have the safety and well-being of many other scouts who do in fact count as important as one scout, I probably would have strongly suggested he find another troop where he could start over with a clean slate if he wished, but would not be welcomed back to the current troop. There comes a time when each leader must know their limitations and if your efforts cannot help this scout come around, maybe another scouter can get through to this boy. It would be a disservice to the youth at that point to try and keep him in your own troop. In no way does this trivialize your efforts, but a recognition is necessary to know that we all have certain skills and talents that don't always work for every boy.



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Yah, easy there guys.


It's so easy when hearin' someone else "talk" online, to imagine a kid I knew who did somethin' like that ;). But that's my imagination, eh? That might not be at all what my fellow scouter is dealin' with. I think CA's comment about walkin' in shoes is good feedback, and feedback is a gift. Close as I can tell, CA's done a great, thoughtful job with a tough situation.


I'm not one who believes in the whole "Scouting is there to save every troubled youth" bit. It's a volunteer activity program. Most volunteers don't have anywhere near da skill required to "save every youth" , and some kids exercise their free will to say they don't want to be saved. Whenever I hear a scouter go into da "save every youth" bit I confess I think to myself "now here's a guy with a good heart but not much real experience."


Our job as volunteers is to do the best we can with the resources God and the community have given us. That always means makin' hard choices so as to hold kids accountable. Sometimes those hard choices mean takin' a timeout or not Scouting anymore.


We've got a local businessman who gives beyond the James West level every year. He was thrown out of Scouting by his troop when he was 15. To this day he claims it saved his life; it was the first time anybody cared about him enough to really say "No" and not let him wriggle out of it.




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Not an easy process, I think you and your PLC did as well as can be expected.


I have three specific comments:


- You can suspend a Scout from active status in your unit, but a unit cannot remove him from BSA. A unit can refuse to re-charter a Scout for the following year, though.


- When you suspend a Scout from activity, have the Advancement Coordinator update his records. Get a copy! If parents decide to transfer the Scout, you want to be able to update the gaining Scoutmaster on the bundle of joy he/she is getting!


- The Council Scout Executive has the authority to remove a person from membership in the Boy Scouts of America.

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