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The Inner Light


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George Harrison (To my mind the most under-rated Beatles member) Wrote:

Arrive without traveling

See all without looking

Do all without doing.


Over the past few weeks in the forum there has been a lot said about the "Uniform Police". To be very honest I really don't care!!

I'm very happy to take plenty of no notice of this sort of thing.

If I in my heart of hearts know that I'm doing my best to be in correct uniform and I'm working with the Scouts I serve toward that goal, everyone else can put up or shut up.

When it comes to the Methods of Scouting, I think we all struggle with the Ideals. Just when we seem to be getting there the bar gets raised. I'm OK with that.

But the Method that I struggle most with is Advancement.

In theory it ought to be easy.

The requirements are there in black and white. We know that we are not supposed to add or subtract from the requirements.

So the Scout should come along do what is needed to meet the requirements and move on.

Hey even a Dumbo like me ought to be able to manage that! After all it isn't rocket science.

I don't see myself as a taskmaster, nor do I see myself as a easy mark.

If the requirement is to swim 75 yards -The Scout has to swim 75 yards. If he is having a hard time and still covers the 75 yards, he has met the requirement, but I try to encourage him to practice and get better.

Sadly if he doesn't and next time out he is unable to swim 75 yards, he has still met the requirements. All we as adults can do is provide the encouragement for him to improve.

I have to own up to at times becoming a little upset at the people who seem to want everyone to feel good and hand out badges, awards and whatever just because the Lad has turned up.

I think this doesn't provide the challenge that Scouts need (Yes need!) And misses the mark when it comes to ethics.

Some of the Scouts in the Ship are a little upset, because we have adopted the idea that this is a new program, a new day and are asking everyone to start over.

If the Sea Scout manual states "Meet the Requirements of the Swimming Merit Badge" we are asking that they meet the requirements even if in Boy Scouts they have earned the badge. Of course most of the "Swimmers" don't have a problem with this, but we have had a few that just couldn't meet the requirements.

We have yet to have a Boy Scout who can tie the knots that were required in the Boy Scouting program.

I try really hard to explain to the Scouts why it is important that they really can do the stuff that they are signed off for.

Some are telling me that it's a lot harder than it was in the Troops that they came from.

This is sad. Surely they either could master the required skill or they couldn't?

Of course I understand the "Use it or lose it"

In fact this past weekend our Boatswain messed up in a knot tying competition he couldn't remember how to tie a bowline. Talking to him about it later he said that as a Boy Scout he never ever had to tie one.

Knots really are not his thing, and he does tend to shy away from them, but can a Lad going on 17 who has been in Scouting ever since he was Tiger really have never been in a situation where he needed to use a bowline?

Strange thing was he didn't have any problem with the double bowline??

Before we sign someone off as knowing something we ask that they try and teach it to someone else -This seems to be working.

Sure I still get a fair amount of "Ea can you go over such and such with me? I've forgot!" But they are very honest about it.

I'm convinced that inside of each of them is an inner light that really wants to get it right. My job is just to allow it to shine.

I can do this by not pushing them.

Not making Advancement a competition.

Not putting them down or making a big fuss when they don't get it right or forget, but be there ready to help out where needed.

I'm proud of each and every Scout in the Ship, each one has brought something to the Ship. Their advancement is just that theirs. They don't need to advance to please me. Even though I'm pleased when they do master a new skill.





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