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I was having a discussion with a historian about WWII and he told me that organizers of D Day went looking for soldiers who were Eagle Scouts to storm the beaches because they knew first-aid and could immediately step into leadership if their superior was taken out of action. Now he didnt say they werent officers, but I took it that way from how he told me the story.




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Ok I'm not military, But a few comments.


1) It's my understanding that none of the military services will take HS dropouts. You got to have a diploma or GED.


2) I've known Eagles who have gone in after HS, and in one case as a incoming senior in HS and a Life Scout on delayed entry program, in order to get the GI Bill benefits in order to attend college.


3) The ones I've known HAVE been put in leadership positions based upon their rank and rating. It may not have been more than 4 people, aka a fireteam leader, but it is a leadership role. At least 1 was a squad leader at basic.


4) If you look at some of the WWII stats, you will see Eagles and Quartermasters (Sea Scouting's highest rank) serving in NCO positions.


EDITED: ED and I cross posted. He is correct, and not just in the D-Day Invasion.(This message has been edited by eagle92)

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Thanks Eagle92, I'm glad to hear its true because I told that story at the begining of our annual Troop JLT. Our course staff (all scouts) gave me exactly one minute to say a few words to the participants before they started the course. That story takes less than a minute to tell and nothing needs to be added for the impact I wanted to deliver.



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You know, (Sorry Pack) I have to channel the female singer in "Paradise by the Dashboard Light/Let me Sleep on it/Praying for the End of Time


Stop right there! I gotta know right now! Before we go any further--!


I had thought that Leadership and Leadership Skills were bad. That teaching Leadership and expecting Eagles to have Leadership Skills were a bastardization of the program and generally a bad idea


Or did I misunderstand?(This message has been edited by oldgreyeagle)

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Noname, I've been in the AF 28 years, and I noticed you make a false assumption that many well-meaning folks make:


- Officer = squared away, lots of brains

- Enlisted = dead end stooge


This is a stereotype perpetuated by Hollywood--as entertaining as "Stripes" was, it doesn't reflect reality.


The AF recruits 99%+ with HS diploma each year; a few hundred are recruited with GED. All score in the top 50 percentile on the enterance exams.


While the officer corps is primarily leadership and management oriented, every enlisted billet is very technical, with plenty of responsibility required as one advances. And in today's environment--fewer jobs on the outside, higher competition just to enlist, very technical equipment in every career field, high deployment operations tempo--we've got senior airmen and staff sergeants (E-4 and E-5) that have the same level of responsibility a captain may have had twenty years ago.


Not putting down the captains...those billets have been moved around to leverage their talent and education, and enlistees have stepped up and taken on duties previously performed by an officer.


I've seen the military changed alot over the years...we've got bright young people everywhere, be they lieutenants or Airmen. Sure, they make mistakes and need polishing and grooming just like anyone at that age. But none of them fit the image you are projecting in your posts. Hope this helps.

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As I understand it, the organizers of D-Day went looking for Eagle Scouts so they could teach the enlisted men how to elect new officers every six months.


The purpose of the Invasion of Normandy was to offer ALL of the participants the opportunity to develop into great leaders.




Greatest Generation Patrol "Leadership" Training:





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