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Temporary Venture Patrols & POR as a VPL... How long does one have to be a PL for it to count? Is there a time limit?


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I was just wondering about Venture Patrols... especially ones that are for a one time event.

Here's the situation. Our troop has very loose patrol system in general (yes I know it shouldn't be that way, but my son just started) and they have been going to boundary waters up by Canada for at least the past few decades (maybe 4... can't remsember how long right now). Usually they get some groups of boys of age 13 and up to go. They break up in groups of 9 (2 or 3 adults and 6 or 7 boys with some being the older boys to balance it out). They're not really using a patrol system while they're up there, but everyone pitches in.


When I was a boy in this troop back in the 80's we didn't have Venture patrols.


My big question is... to help promote the patrol system more and help the boys with opportunities like POR for their rank requirements... is that if they formed temporary Venture Patrols for this since it could be considered high adventure. They do canoe camping and earn their 50 miler while up there.



My big thing is that I want to help the boys with opportunities for advancement and promote the patrol system more in the process. Since I think they are really missing out.

My real question is that if they formed temporary Venture Patrols for this once a year outing, is there a time limit on how long you have to be a patrol leader to count for the requirement of the POR? They're up there for over a week, but they could form the patrols earlier for the setup to go. They usually have it setup on who's going and raising money to go. So it could be at least a few months of being together as a patrol.


I'm not trying to help them pad things on their requirements, but I hate to see them miss a legitimate opportunity if it is one. I also think it would help them if they were together as a patrol before they got up there.

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Usually you need to be in a POPR for 4-6 months minimum, and there is no max time, depending upon the rank involved. So 1 week will not cut it.


Personally i woudl create a permanent Venture patrol, model it off the old Leadership Corps, and have them not onkly running activities for hte troop throughout the year, but also a few activities on their own throughout the year.

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You can meet the rank requirements by serving in multiple positions. Happens all the time when positions change due to end of terms mid-rank.


I'd be more inclined to count the time toward POR for rank if this temporary venture PL if he takes on the responsibilities of a patrol leader throughout both planning and execution phases. If he's being a PL only on the trip itself, then it's no different than the scout who fills in for an absent patrol leader on a camping trip.


Even so, not sure if I'd count it at all. A patrol leader has responsibilities to the SPL and troop through the PLC, but a temporary patrol may fall outside the usual patrol/troop structure.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)

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I was thinking that they would be in the position for a few months before the trip. Basically whenever they know who is going to go.


I was hoping that someone wouldn't say a year. 4 months sounds good. I don't know if we could get it for a whole year and other events or not. I know they do some other big stuff, but I don't know if it's always the same boys or not. It is an idea though. I'm still new to the troop and don't know which boys do what, but hopefully I can be of help to them down the road.


Even if they couldn't use it towards their rank requirements though... The experience would be good for them. It might want them to form a permanent Venture patrol or just a different patrol in general. Anything to promote the patrol method would be good.

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Depends on who's doing the asking.


If it's anyone but the Scoutmaster, I'd say that the Scoutmaster would determine what counts in that he/she would decide whether this is a "real patrol leader" or not and what the associated time period would be.


If the Scoutmaster is asking me how I'd recommend that he structure it, I think I'd say that it would be better to make it black and white for the Scouts - either you are a patrol leader or you are not, and that having it be something that comes and goes is not helpful. A patrol leader has continuous duties associated with many things, so I would not say that a temporary patrol leader would count. It might count as "a Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project to help the troop," but I wouldn't call it a patrol leader.

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