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How to transition troop adult leadership with no ASM's for a year?


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I have posted a few questions on this situation, as per the DE request I consider, for my son's Webelos den to crossover into. The troop is very old (1937), and has had declining membership, mostly because of a lack of recruitment efforts from the current leadership. The current SM's son turns 18 in a few months, yet I asked him if he could stay on until the end of the year. I'm beginning to understand why there is a revolving attendance of scouts with half of the 14 scouts (including the 3 new scouts) showing up at each meeting. There is one ASM who has a tremendous amount of scouting experience (he was on sabatical when his son joined the troop) and who has inspired me with his pioneering kit of poles that we have already used for the crossover for my son's Webelos den. Unfortunately, his son made his Eagle rank last year, and even though he is just a sophomore in HS, is not going to continue with the troop. I have a meeting set up with him and the 2 leaders in the Webelos I den, which I was the departing CM, who will be coming in a year to help the troop as the new SM. Even though I had planned to take over the CC position, with one of those other CS DL's taking the SM positio, I am realizing I might not have that luxury, and if I wait until later this year, there might not be much of a troop to revive. The problem seems to be there is little planned activity at the troop meetings, and other then announcements, plans for future outdoor activities, and a game, there is precious little for the boys to do, hence the meetings are brief. Even when there is an opportunity for the older boys to do some instruction / leadership, the SM seems to just get up there and wing it, himself. The other ASM refers to these troop meetings as being like going to night school, and I guess I have to agree. Since I did not plan on being the SM, I did not take any training, but will be able to do that in a few months. For now I am relying on advice of other scouters, hence, here is my plea to all of you. Just so you know, my son's den received their AOL on the 29th of November, and the Crossover was on the 17th of January. We have been attending their troop meetings since November, with a few other visits to other troops. We plan to go to the local BS camp in late June, and other then that, and Klondike, next month, nothing else has been planned.



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My suggestion is to get yourself a copy of the Scoutmasters Handbook, the SPL Handbook, and the PL Handbook. Read them. They will give you a great template to work from. It may take awhile to get things moving, but you need an idea of where to you want to head. These handbooks should really help with that.



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God Bless you!


Man do you have a bunch of hard work ahead of you! First, meet with all the scouts to see what they need program wise to restart them and get them addending more.

Then with the SPL sit down and put together an outdoor program for the rest of the year...Keep in mind the program has to be targeted to get and keep the interest of the group...As SM you will need to get to know these young men and find out what "buttons" need pushing to engage them and win them back to scouting.


Try to find a few activities for the comming months that will blow their socks off!


I would follow (if you are infact gonna be the ne SM) with a parents meeting ...with 13 or fourteen dads (and moms?) you should really ask...(beg/demand) them to step up to the plate and dig in...You are not running a Baby Sitters of America branch. Show them the plan for the rest of the year (Summer camp?) And tell them you are going to need their help...like starting now!


All the while I would really put a full court press on the "good" ASM and mostly on his young Eagle...(as in... "its time to start giving back!)to get them to stay for a year to help things settle out.


In your "spare time" start contacting (recruiting) the Webelos dens in the area...It helps if some of the scouts in your group were past members of the pack but it isn't truely necessary. Volunteer your troop to help with some of their activities (District Webelos Woodsmoke?). Offer to do demos invite them for a camp visit...sell!


If you can reignite the fire in the old scouts the new scouts will come along for the campout (so to speak).


It will take everyone to make this work, throw another log on the fire and perk up some more coffee....


good luck




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Thanks, very much, Anarch...

I picked up the handbooks as SWScouter had suggested, and will bring them to our little meeting tonight (more like a brainstorming session). I talked with another of the ASM's, who's son joined the troop this past fall, and who will be around, after the other adult leaders have gone, and he will be there as well. I'm not trying to do anything behind anyone's back, but am hoping to find a way to get these Webelos leaders (from my pack) to bring their boys over sooner then January of 07. This meeting is more about getting them in the loop, but there is obviously more going on then that in the meantime. I also hope I can get this other ASM (who's 15 year old son made Eagle last year) to stay on, even if it is just to give us advice on how to change the momentum and future of this venerable troop, and just give us ideas of what he has seen and done in his lengthy scout experience. He's got scouting running thru his veins, and has only been interested in doing work on the unit level, which is great. Also, why is his son dropping out? Is there nothing after you have made Eagle?


Anarch... what you suggested is what I was hoping to hear. I do believe the program should be fun and full of adventure (I welded a zip line truck last summer, using mining sheaves, and plan to bring it to every campout that I can). I will print out your comments and suggestions to start with, and see where this all goes. Last night's T meeting was better, since they are getting prepared for next month's Klondike, so I could see a glimmer of what can happen, but it took 2 hours to get thru, and the organization was still lagging, but even my son was patient in it all. I am just interested in how these meetings can be run that can make them more dynamic and worthwhile, for both the older and younger boys? I have alot to learn, no doubt about that. Thanks again!

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