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Obama not speaking in person at Jambo

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Oh for crying out loud!




He taped a message - GREAT!


Get over it. The are a LOT more pressing issues for a sitting President to deal with than a BSA Jamboree, 100 years or 1 year.


If you REALLY don't like it, then get off of your bum and get the names to put yourself on the ballot for the next Presidential election!


See how REAL LIFE in the Oval Office is!


Sheesh! Why am I constantly surprised/disgusted by people? You think I would have learned by now!


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ScoutNut, true not all past presidents have, but the past three have. I seriously hope you're not saying that taping an appearing on the View, and a fund raiser are more pressing than the National Scout Jamboree in this our 100th year anniversary of Boy Scouts of America.

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Why is there not a single real article on CNN.com or MSNBC.com about the Jamboree? It seems like our marketing team in Irving has not done a good job of getting the word out to the National Press.


Yes, I see the press links on the Jambo website - but I am still waiting for some good press coverage. I work in Marketing. If I do a new product release and it is not hitting the major news sources for my industry, I get to find a new job.


Perhaps the President would have been more involved if there would have been more information out in the public about this event.

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The security "issue" with having the POTUS attend Jambo is not with the President but with the Scouts. The security issue is that it will add about 4 hours for the Scouts to attend. I'm sure that isn't why President Obama will not attend and I won't venture to guess why.


But, I think it is presumptuous of Scouters to believe that he "should" or "must" attend. I'm sure if he did attend he'd get just as much negative publicity about attending just for a photo op, etc.


As a black friend once told me - so, you're asking why a black family wouldn't a little leery of a perceived "white" organization that wears a uniform, goes out into the country side, lights fires at night, claims to have (Christian to some) religious views, etc.? Have we not seen this before. :)

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Hi guys, posting here from Southern Region HQ.


The rumor mill is that the Secret Service returned to FAPH today, after leaving Wednesday when Robert Gates left. Hmmmmm


Also, at the opening there was a big, portable security observation tower in the arena which was removed Wednesday afternoon. They passed me with it this afternoon hauling it back into the arena. I'm sure they went to the trouble of taking is down and setting up back up because the needed the practice. Hmmmmmm


I said a couple weeks ago if you wanted the POTUS to come without all the security hassles of '05, the way to do it would be to make it a stealth visit, like going into Baghdad. If the knuckleheads don't know he's going to be somewhere, they can plan for it.



OTHERWISE ..... bad storms this afternoon in the eastern part of the site. Hot and muggy otherwise. We've had black-flag head conditions yesterday and today. Right now, however, 8:00pm Thursday, it's very cool and pleasant.


The boys are all having a ball, although yesterday's early start (5am) and march to the arena and back, (8 miles on the GPS) took a lot out of them and we had a good crowd hanging back in the campsite until after lunch. I guess a half day to rest up isn't a bad thing.


I'll try to post more later.

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I have worked a few events involving first family, second family and a former president. I have been the venue contact with the Secret Service on a couple of them. The Secret Service is generally non-committal about who and if the subjects will attend. I know that they are even more guarded if the POTUS might attend.


You never know, he might still show up.





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Nice Gern!




Can you imagine Obama at Oshkosh? "Welcome to the air show. There is a no fly zone jfor 100 miles around the airshow so that the President can make a speech. The no fly zone will continue all day until Air Force one leaves the area."

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I have to agree with Scoutnut, this is not as big a deal as you all are making it out to be, and if it really is that important an issue to you vote him out in 2012. The BSA is at a milestone which is very true, but it is equally true that the organization is not as prevalent, mainstream, or as relevant in todays society as it once was. I agree that Obama is making a huge mistake not going to jambo but that is his decision and scouters should not be so full of themselves as to think that they deserve special attention. As far as the View interview is concerned, it is much easier to control the situation in a studio then in an open air arena. Besides as we have seen in this forum most scouters are not big supporters of Obama anyway. The boys will still have a great time at jambo and that is the most important thing.


Writing you Live from the Jamboree I can tell you my crew, staff and I are having a blast visiting today. Wish you could all be here.(This message has been edited by BadenP)

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