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How long to process staff application?

ASM Mike

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I submitted a staff app to council which was approved and sent to national about 3 weeks ago and haven't heard or received anything yet. Does anyone know how long this process takes? I'm used to the "hurry up and wait" of scouting so am not surprised by the amount of time it would take!

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While I can't give an exact time. The App goes to National.People have been on Summer vacation and are now returning to a backlog of these apps. Depending on what position you have said that you would like. Many of these then go on to the Regional Office. The guys in the Regions have been up to their eyeballs in Cub Scout recruiting. Some of these apps then go to the person in charge of that activity or area. He or she looks at them and decides if the person fits the requirements that need filled. They send it back to the region.

If I were Hops, I would phone the Council Service Center and ask if they can find out what has happened.

I think 8 - 10 weeks should be about the time for all this to happen.


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I sent my app to the Council office towards the end of January and got an acceptance letter by mid May. A friend in my troop sent hers in May and still hasn't heard. Cindy put in for trading post. Is it worth checking with the person who is the trading post contact at the supply division in NC?

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We called the Scout office. The guy in charge of it wasnt there, but the secretary gave us his number. When we did get ahold of him, he said that we should have received something from National already. He said he would call down to Texas the next time he was at the office. He called today and said that apparently National didnt get it or something so he faxed them another copy. Hopefully, we hear something soon



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This is pretty sloppy if you ask me. Does anyone from National read these postings??? There is no way that a volunteer organization that needs hundreds of people to fill positions shouldn't jump on every application and at LEAST send out a "thank you for volunteering.....we'll get back to you soon" letter. You know, in our Troop if someone comes in and fills out a leader app we're all over that person to get them onboard, involved in doing something, going to meetings, outings, etc. What does everyone else think? Am I just too demanding?



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I applied for staff last year and waited a little over 3 months to get letter of appointment. I wast sent a post card from the national office when they received my application.


Another gentleman from my troop had to resubmit his application because it was lost somewhere. And this guy's been on staff for the last 6 jamborees.

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One thing that we should ALL keep in mind... thosee people "at national" that you all are referringto are by and large VOLUNTEERS, just like you and me. Yes things get lost, and yes it takes months for even the simplest things to get accomplishe, sometimes, but I know that the folks involved "at national" or "regional", or at "council", are doing their best. They just have different priorities than you do.


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As a follow up, my friend's original application was apparently lost btwn council office and national so it was resent. She got the postcard acknowledging receipt. She has been in contact with Trading Post personnel who reported she should be receiving a letter soon. It arrived Saturday. If you have an application in, keep calling.... and we'll see you at the Trading Post!

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A very close friend of mine is in charge of staffing Action Center D.

There are still openings for people from the Northeast Region to staff this area.

I feel almost sure that no one at this time is doing anything for 2010. Heck I'm having a hard time getting information about 2007!! And I'm the coordinator for our Area. I think that info for 2010 will be available late 2008.



Eamonn(This message has been edited by Eamonn)

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