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older scouts dropping the ball


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Before you "drop the hammer" it might be wise to find out why they all decided to bail. You might not like the answer. Even if you can't cahnge their attitude, you might be able to prevent it from happening to your younger Scouts. Are the older boys OA members? If not, perhaps an OA Election might re-spark their interest.

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First off I think way too many leaders use the phrase "burn out" way too much. When really all it is is boring for them. When I first stepped up to the position of scoutmaster I felt that the first thing that I needed to do was sit with each group of boys (older, middle, new) scouts seperatly, each of these groups has different expectations and different interests. The last thing I would do is just write these older scouts because the dropped the ball. The way you come across here is just that. Believe me I'd bet these older scouts see or believe it too. You need to sit down with these boys and end find out what they are really looking for in scouting. Sometimes it could be just an easy fix in giving them their own trip, maybe something a little more challenging for them. Sorry but I don't believe in using the parents incentive of driving. Find out what their goals are and use them as a means to get better involvment from them. It may not work with all but I bet some of them may come around.

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Thanks for all the advice.


Well, a couple of days to cool down before I had a chance to meet with the boys was probably a good thing. We had more of a conversation than a butt chewing. It started with letting them dig a bit of a hole on how much it stinks when they are let down by someone they look up to. Then they realized that we were really talking about them. I think that at least on some level they didn't realize how much they were hurting the Troop, and how they made the boy who did show up feel stupid for caring. I think they see the harm they caused, and they did seek out the jilted scout before the Troop meeting to apologize for standing him up.


We did talk about some of the source of the problem, which is basically that these guys are bored silly on our regular campouts. We talked about some different things they could do. I brought up the 300 feet issue, which our Troop has never done (I'm working on it). I also told them if they wanted to do their own schedule that might involve sleeping later or doing other "privileges" that were not given to the rest of the Troop I would consider any request, with a bias towards letting them do their own thing.


I told them that we could resume the merit badge in a few weeks, as long as they started showing scout spirit that I would not be embarrassed to sign off on. We'll see what happens.

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Glad to hear you didn't elect to the go to the Woody Hayes path of motivational speaking....the boys never deserve that....is just an extracurricular.


The results will be interesting to see...I suspect you will get reluctant capitulation from some, especially those being held hostage by the "Eagle or no DL" Dads.


Some might really get back on track. The remainder...drop out?

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Great, if you get a chance to talk the "Eagle or don't drive" dads off that ledge, you would be doing yourself a favor. Point out to the dads that a boy who can drive to his MBC is an asset, and that you'll let the dads know if their boy is showing responsibility consistent with someone you'd trust behind a wheel.


Putting fellowship first over rank advancement will enable you to have both! Encourage the boys to pick MBs that suit their interest rather than get them to that next oval patch faster.

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