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Why Did F-scouter pull the thread on BSA and molesters?


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Fred, I've read Merlyn for quite a while now. He's very open about his identity and his motivations. His communication tone and style is indeed offensive to many in this forum and I suspect that the memory of his exchanges with evmori cause some of us to cringe as they read these words. But he's part of the reality of the world in which BSA exists. He's effective in the sense that he brings that reality to these discussions and he defends his ideas vigorously.

The only thoughts I have for you and others who feel the same way is that if you think Merlyn's here only to provoke promote the kinds of destructive interactions you describe, the best way to disarm him is not to respond to him.


Personally, because of my liking of the cub scouts back when I was CM, I find it useful, whenever I'm tempted to think badly of someone, to think of them as a cub scout (which Merlyn was once). I note that I sometimes fail at this exercise. But when I succeed that makes it a little easier to see the little kid in someone and to imagine the emotions and thoughts that are being expressed in what they write today. It makes it easier for me to think of the human beings that are behind the various nicknames I read here, and the fact that every one of them, Merlyn included, has feelings and a sense of justice and morality, and yes, a sense of humor. We just don't always agree all the time.

So I guess in as much as Merlyn might provide the opportunity for us to squabble over various issues, the responsibility for the squabbling is mostly on us superannuated cub scouts. Once in a while the den mother is there in order to redirect all that youthful exuberance. :)

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Re: Merlyn, I agree with what Packsaddle says. I would add that when Merlyn is discussing First Amendment law, I believe he is correct about what the law is, at least 99 percent of the time. When he makes a factual statement, it is generally correct. As for his opinions, sometimes I agree, sometimes I disagree. He often uses a "tone" that I think is inappropriate, and he insults people when he should stick to the actual issue, and his motivations are sometimes questionable -- but he is not alone in this forum, in any of those things.

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