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So... son was confronted while selling popcorn this weekend over BSA membership policy...


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You say "Thanks anyway, have a nice day" and move on and be grateful that they actually acknowledged you and said something, and not just looked through you and don't acknowledge your presence like a lot of people do. Around here, it's the folks that just walk right on past without even so much as a grunt that generates the most negative feedback from the sales folks.


Onf of the things you teach the lads is that folks do have a right to free speech, that the BSA made a statement that's pretty controversial to a lot of people, and they might just get some folks making comments. Then, as your anger is building up, you might reflect on how well you treated the last few telemarketers that called you - were you polite and said "no, thanks" or did you swear a blue streak at them before you hung up.


Then you take another deep breath and remember that most folks have short memories and unless the BSA doubles down next year, it won't be fresh in people's minds when next year's popcorn sales roll around.

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"Just another example of how intolerant those who demand tolerance can be."


Right, because people should be more tolerant of bigotry and prejudice (rolls eyes). This kind of statement is as laughable as the use of the term 'political correct' in trying to defend ones right to be an ignorant bigot.



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A few years back, I had invited an old college friend to dinner at my house, along with her husband and young sons (under 5 y.o.). In the course of talking about various activities, I told her about my sons and I being involved in a local Scout group. She said, at the time, "I strongly suggest you reconsider your involvement with an organization that doesn't support inclusion." I didn't have much to say, other than I thought the issue was largely misunderstood.


I bumped into her a few times in the intervening years, but last winter, I bumped into her at a HS basketball game, with her Tiger Cub den :-).


She and I have always had a great relationaship, so I said, "What's with the Tiger Cubs...I thought you said..." and she cut me off with a big laugh and said, "I know, I am SUCH a hypocrite!"

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Hey Calico, what you call bigotry and prejudice I call family and traditional values (no eye rolling here). How about you don't judge me and I won't judge you and we can both respect each other.


I support the Girl Scouts. I don't support abortions but I would never say something stupid to the girls or their leaders about it. Tolerance and respect of others.(This message has been edited by Eagle732)

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You can choose a range based on personal belief and the maturity of the Scout:


"Thank you, have a nice day"


"Thank you, I understand your perspective"


"Thank you, please know that not all of us agree with the national policy"


For the cubs - we stick to thank you. For the Scouts, each one picks their own response based on their belief. No matter what I expect them to be respectful.


If someone states that they won't purchase due to our policies - that is not being intolerant. They are saying "no" AND saying why. Nothing wrong with that. I regularly say to to people fundraising and petitioning in my area, and I always tell them in a respectful way why I don't donate or sign.


I Counsel for Salesmanship MB - dealing with people who do not want to buy is part of that MB as far as I am concerned. You have to be ready to deal with people who don't want to be hassled going in the door at the grocery store.

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" Right, because people should be more tolerant of bigotry and prejudice (rolls eyes)." .


There is a distinct difference between bigotry and prejudice and deciding who is allowed to be in your club based on joining requirements.


I am not allowed to Join the American Legion or the VFW so they must be prejudiced against non-veterans


I am not allowed to join the Knights of Columbus so they must be prejudiced against non-catholics


I am not allowed to join B'nai B'rith so they must be prejudiced aginst non-Jews


I am not allowed to join 9 TO 5 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF WORKING WOMEN so they must be prejudiced against men.


We as Americans are free to associate with whomever we choose to. Just because you want to join the organization does not mean they have to let you join. Nor doers it mean that the organization is neccessarily prejudiced or bigoted. People just like to associate with like-minded individuals. If the membership wants the joining requirements changed, then the organization should respond. Augusta National Golf course just admitted it's first ever female members. Things change but as the Scout law says, a Scout is obedient and works to change things from within the system.


If enough Scouts and Scouters make it known that this is a non-issue among the membership at large then a change might be made. Until then. . .a Scout is obedient.


For the record, I don't care what color you are, what religion (if any) your are or with whom you sleep at night, just as long as you follow the Scout Law and keep your views to yourself and I will keep mine to my self.


"I would not want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member"

--Groucho Marx


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"Just another example of how intolerant those who demand tolerance can be."


Now I don't think it was right to confront a Scout over a policy he didn't make, doesn't enforce, and probably doesn't understand.


But exactly how is this an example of intolerance on the part of "those who demand tolerance"?

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"Just another example of how intolerant those who demand tolerance can be."


"Right, because people should be more tolerant of bigotry and prejudice (rolls eyes). This kind of statement is as laughable as the use of the term 'political correct' in trying to defend ones right to be an ignorant bigot."


Thank you for illustrating my point.

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Yes, it's a statement of intolerance by those who now demand that their values rule in society and that no others be tolerated.


The simple fact is that there is a disagreement on values regarding homosexuality and sexual liberation in general. That disagreement is based on logical, rational and reasonable values.


Those who are intolerant and hostile to those who disagree with them are indeed intolerant --- and perhaps bigots as well.


What should be happening is that both sides should treat each other in a respectful and decent way, even recognizing differences over certain important values.


That is tolerance --- for both sides. Even Steven.






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Your exaggerating a little SeattlePioneer.


Again I don't think it was right to confront a Scout over the policy while seling popcorn. But the OP doesn't seem to indicate that there was any hostility. Just a statement of nonsupport until the BSA's policies change. Wrong venue to express this view, but just a view and not in any way 'intolerant' or 'bigoted.'



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Son: Dad, did you hear what that man said to me... he said ""When BSA supports equality, then I'll support the Boy Scouts." and "I don't support prejudiced organizations."


Dad: Hmmm.... equality? prejudiced? Whatever... he's probably some animal rights activist miffed because he can't register his dog as a Boy Scout; don't let his Eagles for beagles agenda bother you.


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Well, my idea is that I wouldnt let a scout go around by himself selling popcorn without an adult nearby. Our cubs go with an adult. If someone had said that to my cub, I would politely leave, but without mentioning the fact that you dont need to attack a child for an adult issue. I would then use that moment to teach that cub that if you are nice to everyone, 9/10 you will have someone whose lot in life is to make others feel like garbage. Say "thanks" and walk away. You cant say that you werent nice to them. Scouts are Friendly.


anyone noticing how the media is just slamming BSA lately? media conspiracy?

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Well, my idea is that I wouldnt let a scout go around by himself selling popcorn without an adult nearby. Our cubs go with an adult. If someone had said that to my cub, I would politely leave, but without mentioning the fact that you dont need to attack a child for an adult issue. I would then use that moment to teach that cub that if you are nice to everyone, 9/10 you will have someone whose lot in life is to make others feel like garbage. Say "thanks" and walk away. You cant say that you werent nice to them. Scouts are Friendly.


anyone noticing how the media is just slamming BSA lately? media conspiracy?

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