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Troop Budget

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New Scout Cross over materials (book, necker, slide, packet of Troop info)


Sending a Scout (or 2) to NYLT


Troop Scout Leader Training Weekend - materials/food/patches


Troop Adult Leader Training (some Troops help pay for ACA, Lifeguard, Paddle Craft, Wood Badge, etc...)


Merit Badge Books


Troop Program Books/manuals/guides


Web Site (if you don't use a free one)


Family Night at Summer Camp (We cook in camp, and parents are invited, they bring a side, but Troop buys meat).



Propane Tank Refills


Lantern Mantles



COH refridge - we get space for it, but had to buy our own.


Canoe tags/registration

Trailer Tags/registration

Trailer insurance (just theft when not being towed).

Troop Van/maintenance - money pit

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What dg98 said minus the troop van and adult leader training ... but we will reimburse SM or whoever pulls the trailer. We provide volunteer drivers instructions for getting reimbursement for fuel, but since most of us would be driving someplace on the weekend anyway, we don't bother.


We also stock up on incidentals, but that usually comes from camping fees (which average $12).

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Renewing TroopMaster program (this is separate from the website)

Buying or renewing the Accounting program if you use one.


Campership fund for low income scouts


Fundraiser basics (usually comes back after fundraiser)


Year end picnic


Adult registration.. we pay for the first one when a new Scouter comes on board


Cabin deposits, park deposits and etc. to reserve a place to camp.


Signage for fundraisers or Scouting for Food




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Thanks Basement for the spinoff.. *grins




I found the above a helpful read in my google search along with several sample budget in word, excel using 'Troop budget sample; as the search word.


I'm planning on using the 2 column method of last year and next year while separating actual funds we can spend from those reserve funds like Campership and Equipment that push our bottom line much higher than it really is.

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We categorize our expenses like this:


ADMINISTRATIVE: Troopmaster license fees, office supplies, postage.


ADVANCEMENT: Any and all awards--no set amount as it varies wildly.


CAMPING/EVENTS: Cabins/Campsites.


FUNDRAISING EXPENSES: Deducted from fundraising profits.


GOODWILL: For expressions of condolence. Also camperships, dues aid.


RECHARTER: The annual PIA. :)


REGISTRATIONS: New scouts between recharters. Level funded, but we do keep track.


TRAILER: Registration/maintanance/modification, fuel reimbursement for driver.


TRAINING: Used to supplement or finance youth or adult training which requires a fee.


TROOP GEAR: All equipment used by boys. Repair/replacement.


Income of course: Fundraising, Dues, and Donations.


The BSA Unit Budget Plan is an excellent starting point for guidance.




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