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Patrol Outings

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"tried to arrange one kinda like Beav indicates (only Life Scout and above), but the Committee went bonkers and emailed the District Camping Chair and I was told in no uncertain terms that we could not do so."


300 feet is now 300 inches.


My yardstick remains unchanged and applied whenever possible

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We use different rules for stops. My favorite is to give each hiker a "rest card" which when opened reveals one word. If someone wants a rest they can call for a 30 seconds break. When anyone wants to extend the break he/she must open their card and expound on its contents. When the speaker stops talking, we move.

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Depends on the group. I first did it with our crew and each card had a Method of venturing (plus a couple of terms that referred to stories known only to our crew).

With a youth group I used chapters of the Bible. The other adult helped me pick them, and we basically called it off the top of our heads.

The task could easily be delegated to an officer or SPL.

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