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italics bold print and large type

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I guess there really isn't a correct forum for this, so I put it in the general program stuff.


So I like to emphasise a ferw words here and there. Well, the only way I know how is to use capital letters..which also means I occasionally have to mention I an mot yelling.


So, my question is this: How do I make large type, italics and bold type. On other sites, you would use the star * at the beginning and end of the word to make it bold, use < and > for italics, and usually there was a small edit box to one side or another for type size - usuallu only 3 choices.


Thanks!(This message has been edited by scoutfish)

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Yah, Scoutfish, I just use da regular embedded HTML, eh?


< I > For italics < / I >

< B > For bold < / B >




Scouter.com seems to allow a pretty wide range of embedded HTML, but I usually forget all da other ones ;).




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I just use html too. The easiest ones are and for italics and and for bold.


The site does filter out some html. It also adds some html, turning a URL into an actual link, for example. You can also create tables:

italicsphrasephrasebold italicsemphasizedemphasizedlist list item 1 list item 2 list item 3 list item 1 list item 2 list item 3numbered list list item 1 list item 2 list item 3 list item 1 list item 2 list item 3

This is a centered sentence

This is a centered sentence

This is a blockquoteThis is a blockquote

horizontal rule


text you want to strike through

text you want to strike through

heading 1 is heading 2 is heading 3 is heading 4 is


There are special characters like > which makes a > and is good for writing about hmtl (like this post), also & produces &, and if you want to write "So Paolo" you can do it with the ã character, or you can just cut and paste it from another site.






I'm sure there are more fun things that could be done...subscripts, superscripts, monospaced fonts.


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Now that's interesting...


I previewed my post, and it looked one way, and then when it actually posted, it looked another. It's like it ran another level of processing, so places where I had carefully written html to display, it processed it again. I wonder if it would do that if I didn't preview it?


The following line is not written with an actual tag:

<text to strike through>

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Ok, so my first post should have looked like this:



I just use html too. The easiest ones are <i> and </i> for italics and <b> and </b> for bold.


The site does filter out some html. It also adds some html, turning a URL into an actual link, for example. You can also create tables:

italics<i>phrase</i>phrasebold italics<b><i>emphasized</b></i>emphasizedlist<ul><li> list item 1<li> list item 2<li> list item 3</ul> list item 1 list item 2 list item 3numbered list<ol><li> list item 1<li> list item 2<li> list item 3</ol> list item 1 list item 2 list item 3

<center>This is a centered sentence</center>

This is a centered sentence

<blockquote>This is a blockquote</blockquote>This is a blockquote

<hr> horizontal rule


<strike>text you want to strike through</strike>

text you want to strike through

heading 1 is <h1>heading 2 is <h2>heading 3 is <h3>heading 4 is <h4>


There are special characters like > which makes a > and is good for writing about hmtl (like this post), also & produces &, and if you want to write "So Paolo" you can do it with the ã character, or you can just cut and paste it from another site.


<font color="red"></font>

<font color="blue"></font>

<font size="+2"></font>

I'm sure there are more fun things that could be done...subscripts, superscripts, monospaced fonts.


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What browser are you using? The "format this post" link is not working for me now, either, but the site is all screwed up with the browser constantly trying to protect me from the malware, so it might be related to that. I have seen the html editor work in the past.


Always good to have something more basic to fall back on.

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