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In one council we were in, you opened the 15 pack boxes and sold single packs of microwave popcorn at your peril.


Maliciously threatening tax-exempt status of the Council or its revenue stream brought untold amounts of grief.

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As far as I know, council could revoke your charter for any reason at all, just as you could choose at any point in time to stop having a BSA unit.


Because councils get rewarded based on growth in units and members, they are not likely to revoke charters whimsically. I can imagine all kids of reasons why a council might revoke a charter. The husband/wife SM/CC go off the reservation and appear to be embezzling money but have no financial records available for audit. The unit insists on having inappropriate role models hanging around the kids. The unit does meetings that bring unwanted publicity on the BSA (hanging out outside a strip club, or something). Religious rituals the BSA doesn't agree with ("at this point of the service anyone who wants to can voluntarily carve the turkey symbol on his arm with a pocketknife.") Generally being such a pain in the butt to the council that they can't stand to have you around any longer.


I could go on and on with the fun scenarios. Put up a web site with the SE's picture, describe what an awful human being he is, and post his name and address.


There is no way the BSA can have rules that cover all possible situations. Nor do they have to.

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Unless I am mistaken, having less than the minimum number of members would not cause a charter to be "suspended." It would cause the charter not to be renewed at recharter time. In other words, if the charter period is April 1 to March 30, and between June and December a troop dips down to three boys, but by March is back up to five and recharters with five, everything is ok. Right? I guess another way of looking at it is if you chartered with five, even though two boys "quit", all five are still registered until recharter time, so the BSA does not care. I'm not sure the same applies to adult leaders. If a Scoutmaster tells council that they have quit, council is probably going to want to see an application from a new Scoutmaster fairly quickly. But under most circumstances, council would never know if a unit is without a "required position" for a few months between recharters.


But I have a feeling the situation the original poster has not yet told us about does not involve the number of members or leaders in the unit.

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I will add, I have never heard of a charter being suspended, although I have no doubt that it could happen under the "right" circumstances. In more than nine years in this forum I don't recall anyone ever saying that their charter had been suspended. I have seen delays in rechartering because paperwork was submitted late and/or was incomplete or incorrect, and I have heard of charters lapsing because the unit ran out of Scouts, but that is not the same as being "suspended", which implies that some wrongdoing occurred.

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Aside from a charter lapsing over lack of membership at renewal time, it is difficult to imagine what might cause a charter to be suspended. It would have to be some egregious violation of BSA policies fully sanctioned by the chartered organization. I cannot see even proven criminal misconduct by an adult leader resulting in a charter being yanked.


Now if a Sea Scout Ship were using its boats to help smugglers bring drugs into the country as a fund raiser, that might get the charter suspended - at least until the council got its cut.

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"Now if a Sea Scout Ship were using its boats to help smugglers bring drugs into the country as a fund raiser, that might get the charter suspended - at least until the council got its cut."

Darn it! Foiled again.

(Was thinking of running illegal golden Wood Badge Beads)



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