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What do you charge for Scouting?


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Unfortunately I did not recognize it as sarcasm so I am glad you pointed it out but also be aware that the fact that I did not recognize it and it was aimed at me means that there will be others who also do not recognize it. I will reitterate that the programs need to meet the needs of the membership. In our Troop, our costs are relatively low because the fees are just the actual basic costs but our Pack has been built upon for decades and draws people based on what we offer. For many it is far too much but that does not make it wrong, it just makes it a poor fit for those people. I was exposed to a Pack who's Webelos went to Mexico and built a house for someone as a service project. I was dumbfounded but I was also told of the kind of money they deal in and for what some of their individual parents spend, I could run our entire program.

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I'm talking pack, not troop:


$40.00 a year plus den dues 3 times a month plus ala mode per activity such as camping, trips, etc...

Council camps fees are handles by individuals, not the pack - too many people cancel or opt out after we pay,and we can only transfer fees , not be reimbursed. But the aggravation is too much.


We sell popcorn of which 20% goes into scout accounts that can be used against any pack fees or costs and includes fees towards district/council events.


WE also do a barbeque chicken dinner fundraiser in the spring which brings in a clear profit of around $6 to $8,000.00.


Kinda along the popularity of Kiwanis pancakes or Shriners fish frys. They sell wether people like them or not because they are supporting us.

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I am sorry ScoutNut, you wrote "Well, obviously. Trust me, no one is saying your program is better because you charge so much.


When folks make comments about how they are undercharging it is meant in jest. You know - sarcasm" and unfortunately I read that to mean what it says, that the comments were jest and sarcasm about what I wrote. I am sorry that I am not able to follow along. I do have Aspergers and it can make it very difficult because I take a lot at face value, I assume that what you write is what you mean. Either it is or it isn't. You said it was so I accepted that as a mistake on my part now you say it isn't. I am having a very hard time following. No matter what you meant, I am sorry that I was not able to comprehend it.

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