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Recruiting and Retaining Hispanic Youth

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It is interesting to see so many posters struggling to wrap their heads around this topic because it is new to them. I'm struggling to wrap my head around it because around these parts, Hispanics are a large segment of the population and we have never viewed atracting and retaining Hispanic youth any differently than attracting and retaining youth in general.


The biggest problem I can see arising would be dealing with parents who cannot speak English well. The kids themselves are usually pretty sharp and do just fine in this regard. I would make sure to identify your bilingual ASMs and CMs, as you will be relying on these folks. Also, push the interpreter strips as a way to get the boys to think bilingually.

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Excellent idea, Sherminator!


I see Cub Scout are eligible for the interpreters strip as well:





Recognizing adults as interpreters at a pack meeting might healp ease them into a pack or troop leadership position keeping communicating with parents.



Any other pointers for we novices in this area?

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