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large troop vs smaller troop


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While I agree to an extent that the boy should choose the troop, parents are a factor. If you have been really active in the Pack and want to stay active you are one kind of parent. If you are tired and want to rest or were never that involved, you are another.


Don't presume that either troop situation is open to new parents taking on *any* kind of a role. A lot of troop committees expect new parents to "cut the apron strings" and stay completely in the background for the first year or longer. In our case that wasn't acceptable. Scouting is a HUGE part of our family life and we weren't willing to turn our son's scouting experience completely over to someone else, let alone send him camping with relative strangers.


Odds are you won't change the prevailing attitude any more than a new bride is going to change her hubby to suit her, so pick wisely :-)

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It shoukd depend on where the boys feels most comfortable, as long as the Troop isn't a few hundred miles away :)


Our Troop is going to triple in size over the next 4 months, from 6 to 11, to 19. It will be a challenge for the three older Scouts that will be doing most of the teaching. We will see how much high school & sports interfere.


If you have a large group crossing over, something else to consider is what are the parents expectations/intensions. Does the Troop meet those. The group we have coming in, has several parents that are former Scouts. They have an idea how they want things run. Luckily, it has been what I've been hoping for. They want Patrol Method, hopefully that also means boy run. The parents were going to make a decision on which Troop yhe Den woud go to. My oldest, a Troop CM, reminded the Pack CC and COR to remember to take the Webelos' opinions into consideration, before letting the adults rule the roost.

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