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How to Handle Adults


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I thought I should make an update on how things are going now. On this past camping trip, the SM decided to change more than half the trip plan without consulting the SPL. After having a confrontation with the SPL, the SM then admitted to the SPL's father (an ASM) that he is trying to make the SPL's job so difficult that he will quit the postition. Despite this, my friend still wants to finish his term. There is a good chance that we will change troops in June, along with about a quarter of the troop.


Oh well.

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Its really unfortunate when a scout goes to NYLT and the returns to his unit all fired up only to get shot down by a SM who does not understand what a boy lead/ran troop is all about, or what it means to be an advisor.


I suggest that you and your buddies who want a boy lead program get together, with out any adults around or with an adult you trust, and come up with a game plan on how to get the troop heading to a boy lead in such away that the SM has not choice but to follow. A good start is for you to develop a fool proof year plan using a troop planning calendar. Then using the PLC plan every months meetings and outings using the troop meeting planning sheet, the SPL should make sure he has one filled out for every meeting during the month before he comes to the PLC. Then things can be tweaked during the meeting with input from the PLC and SM.


What ever you do don't let the SPL quit help him be prepared for the meetings. Don't get in conflicts with the SM when he changes things with out the boy leadership buy in just do as he wants at the time while continuing to make sure monthly PLC and troop meeting are conducted in a professional organized prepared manner. It will take some time but soon the SM will start supporting your plan because he will see that its solid and works and its easier to let you youth do the work. Remember what you older youth are doing right now is laying the ground work for the younger troop members to follow, if you give up and leave will just stay the same and it will be the younger troops that suffer, not the SM.



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That's sad.


It's time for the SPL's Dad to have a business meeting with the CC, the SM, and the Chartered Organization Representative.


I don't mind honest disagreements. What you describe is not an honest disagreement: Your friend, with malice aforethought, is being set up for failure.


That is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE.


I'd sure like to see this SM come here and explain his vision and goals... but, sigh...(This message has been edited by John-in-KC)

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I'm with John-in-KC on this one. Any SM that designs a program to insure failure on the part of the boys needs to be replaced. Sure, I'll let the boys fall on their noses based on their poor choices, but I surely would never set them up to fail. Boys in the process of learning make plenty of dumb mistakes, without me adding to them.


Yes, it's time to talk with the CC, Committee and COR. Be polite, be professional, but lay the situation out on the table and give it some air.

Sounds like an excellent opportunity for some real boy-led leadership here, obviously, the adult-led isn't working.



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That is a shame that the Unit Commissioner couldn't give you more backup. Or the Adults did not listen to him. He had the right idea, but few UC can lead from the front, most of them have to guide from the back..


How long is your friends time before re-elections, does he have 6 months or a year?


It is sad but I think your leaving may be the only thing that wakes them up. Once they loose all the scouts that do the work, and are left with those who want someone to do everything for them, and do not really want to learn skills for themselves, either they will be in their glory because now they can hand feed and burp these growing babies, or they will be asking themselves what went wrong, and maybe finnally come to the answer, a little late.


Do yourselves a favor and go out troop shopping. Don't just jump. Find a troop in the area that have the program you are looking for. Visiting and getting excited about the move will also lift your friends spirit with antisipation for the future, which will carry him though the remainder of his time in the position..

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I wish talking to the CC would help, but unfortuneately, she agrees with the SM. She dislikes the SPL because of his personal relationship with her son, who is an abonoxious waste of an eagle patch. How he managed to pass his EBOR when he can't even teach a group of scouts how to ti a square knot or listen to his leadership is beyond me. Sometimes I wish that election into the OA was an eagle requirement, but I digress...


The COR is virtually a nonentity in our troop. He can't help.


Our SPL term goes from September to June. After June, I probably will not stay with the troop, and will simply finish my scouting career with my venture crew. I can't do it before that, because the venture crew is located in a differant district, and they frown on chapter chiefs being in other chapters :)


Thank you all for your responses, but it seems as though the troop is destined to fold now. After this year, they won't have any ASM's left, as they are parents of scouts that don't want to stay without the current SPL. The scoutmaster just can't see that he is ruining the troop.

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It is truly unfortunate when personal grievances "lock in" group policy. Sometimes, you have to settle for turning things part way, not 180 degrees.


BTW - The coffee (or herbal tea, whatever) suggestion has nothing to do with duty or responsibility. It has to do with servant leadership, being the bigger man, recognizing your SM as a brother in scouting.


Don't worry Gary, I never require my youth to make my "preferred" beverage. I generally brew my sludge on my own time. But the ones who do make it (however watery) get an extra couple of minutes of my time when neither of us are barking orders.


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Sorry to hear that. And deliberately trying to make any scout, let alone your SPL, fail is NOT ACCEPTABLE as others have stated. Why is he still SM?


I hate to say it, but it's time to move on.


But if you are staying for a while due to other obligations, then might I suggest the following. Try to make the most out of the bad situation, and be as successful as possible. Get your SPL to work with your PLs and other youth leaders; QM, Scribe, Instructors, etc. Get things organized and done in advance so that he doesn't need to get involved, and if he does interfere, then the scouts will get upset, who in turn will get the parents upset, who will in turn force the issue. Unfortunately it sounds like you got folks who don't listen to youth.


Sometimes folks will do this exact thing in real life. I had a boss like that: tried to make it so that I would be fired because I wouldn't play his games. And while I did eventually leave becasue of him, while I was there it really ticked him off to no end that I surpassed my goals and met the requirements for a bonus, national recognitions, etc.

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