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How do we recruit new scouts?


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No misunderstanding. District policy is that no flyers from units go directly to schools. If you want a flyer you design it and submit it to the DE. He contacts the school board and they approve or disapprove. If approved the DE makes copies and takes them to the school. The reason for this is:

1. to limit the amount of flyers going home (imagine if some units wanted to send something home every week).

2. Make sure that the subject is approved (no mention of shooting sports).

3. To protect the relationship the district has with the schools (which is extremely good).


What can the DE do if I don't play nice? I don't know but I understand why they do it. In fact I taught this policy as part of the recruiting segment of the Cubmaster Specific training for years.

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One observation that seems to be common is that the adult-led troops are being chosen over the boy-led troops.


From the tone of the posts, is sounds to me like the belief is that the boys are making this decision. Of course, this is not the case....the parents are making the decision.


Ask yourself when your prospective Scouts (and parents) come and visit...what do they see? Do they (not you) see:


1) a group of boys, well organized, where the there is a leader leading and followers following?


2) an uncontrolled group of hyperactive boys, with no leadership, discipline or direction?


3) Eagle Mill...where the boy's (and parents) that want to Eagle by age 14 leave the others to fend for themselves.


Most parents will believe (like it or not) that you cannot advance in an environment that is #2 or #3, in spite of what B-P might have conjured up 100 years ago.


Certainly, you've realized that you have to convince the parent to get the boy.



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