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Should I be worried about leaders?


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Beav, I agree with you to a certain extent. The boy seems to be doing OK in his current Troop. This seems to be mostly an adult issue that is not really affecting the boys so much.


The canceling of trips can have an impact on the boys program, however, that too is an adult issue. Trips are usually canceled because the minimum of two adults, and/or transportation needs, can not be met. This Troop needs more adult help.


The lack of SM conferences can also be a problem. However, a SM conference does not take a lot of time. It is basically a chat between the SM and the Scout. If the SM had sufficient help, and/or backing with the program from his ASM, he might be better able to do SM conferences.


However, Cheerful also mentioned that they never looked at any other Troops, and in fact, never knew that they could.


Cheerful, I suggest that you talk to your son before starting anything. Absent any dramatic problems with this particular Troop, this is a decision that should be mostly his. Does HE want to look around, or is HE comfortable where he is? If your son is open to visiting other Troops, then I say to go ahead. You might find one that is a perfect fit for him, and you. Or, you might find that the Troop you are in now is not so very different from the other Troops.


However, if your son wants to stay in his current Troop, then I would suggest that you do your best to make sure that this Troop is running as good a program as possible. That means getting involved. Get completely trained. Read thru his Handbook. Volunteer for outings. Sign up as Merit Badge counselors for areas that interest you. Take Merit Badge Counselor training. Volunteer to be ASM's or Committee Members. As I stated, one of the biggest problems with this Troop seems to be its lack of adult help. You have two adults in your family, and could go a ways to correcting that.


Good Luck! and Happy Scouting!

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Sounds alot like my son's troop. the only difference is, he is the only 11 year old. at summer camp he was the youngest there by 5 years. didn't make it easy for him patrol wise. I found out that he was pretty much left to his own devices during summer camp. he still managed to have fun though.


He has the same problem with advancement too. nobody to sign off for him since the "older Scouts" never seem to be at the meetings twice in a row. He crossed in March, and just now In Oct got his scout badge. (he hasn't actually recieved the badge yet, just presented him with the card)

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