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FoS and Funding District/Council


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I just got an e-mail from our scout executive about this new program for evaluating the "Quality" of our units. One of the scoring factors is if we are providing enough participation in fundraisers to benefit the council. Including Friends of Scouting.


I understand that the professionals need to get paid. But here is my frustration. Our DE sends her representative to a dinner that they put on every year for their FoS in our county. They always say the same things, "This is for the Scouts. THis helps to Fund the "Scouts" X amount of dollars pays for one 'Scout' to go to camp."


Has anyone EVER had FoS money pay for ANYTHING at the unit level. Books for the leaders. Square knot awards, anything.


The big problem is that when they get their thousands of dollars from these businessmen, then when we turn around and ask for assistance for an event or some other assitance, they always say "I gave already, what happened to that money?" Meaning the FoS Money. Why is it we never really see the benefit from this fund.


And one last thought, I would love to see the BSA Business plan. I want to start a business in which thoseands of people PAY to work for me, and if they do not like it, that is OK because there are thousands behind them waiting for the oppurtunity to PAY to work an event. They have to be in the greatest business in the World.

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When they say "help a Scout go to camp," they're talking about underwriting the many, many costs associated with running a summer camp. A Scout's camp fees alone cannot cover those expenses.


A previous thread documented some of the many expenses: http://www.scouter.com/forums/viewThread.asp?threadID=236924


If you're encountering a lot of business owners who say "Hey, I already gave," then it sounds like your units and DE need to get on the same page as far as soliciting donations and assistance. It's not that hard to create a list so you don't talk to the same people twice AND get the maximum donation.

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Council is looking for support for all scouts, not just one particular unit. We are fortunate in that we have 6 camps in coucil: Camp Bonner N, Camp Bonner S, Camp Hannah Bonner, Camp Sam Hatcher, Pamlico Sea Base, and my personal favorite, Camp Charles. We are doing more programs, esp on the Cub Level as we both know well, than ever before.


but trust me if we had to pay the actual cost of upkeep for summer camp, encampment, etc, many could't affor it. that's where the OA and FOS come in at to help keep costs down.



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Under unit money-earning guidelines, you (as a unit Scouter) are not supposed to be asking these businesses for money anyway, without council permission. Generally the councils want to keep these sources of funds for themselves, and no, they're not sharing the funds with the units. I'm not saying this is a good situation, but it is the way it is.


As for the Quality Unit Award, I guess it is going to depend on how heavily they weight this factor. If they effectively make it impossible to make Quality Unit without participating in council fundraisers (i.e. selling overpriced popcorn) and having parents donate a lot of money to FOS, a good number of units, including mine, are probably going to stop being Quality Units. Oh well. It's a nice patch to have, but not "at all co$t$."(This message has been edited by njcubscouter)

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BTW, if you're talking about the Quality Unit (or Centennial QU, or whatever they're called or going to be called) awards - they only require participation. If your unit's parents hear the FOS pitch and collectively donate $1, that's participating. Not that big a deal.

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Are the new requirements posted anywhere, E92?


I spent about 30 minutes searching the national web sites for them. Next time I feel the urge to find something on a BSA web site, I'll go over to the bloody spot on the wall and bang my head against it again.

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I think that the lack of TC input stems from the time when TCs were not a fully integrated part of the pack, but somethign additional to it. Hence we still have separate socks inthe blue uniform, and they are still called "Tiger Cubs" instead of Tigers.



I think the new quality unit program was sent out to the SEs and they are just now diseminating it, so give it a little time. 'Dad and I are fortunate in that our SE beleives in working with the volunteers and keeping them informed, so an email went out with the info.

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As an Executive Committee member in West Central Florida, I can tell you that it costs $100K just to keep the utilities on at our two camps. That money must come from somewhere. It comes from camp use fees and FoS. We could reduce our FoS collections, but it would come at the cost of camp use fees that would drive units away.


Executives have the most horrible job possible. Who among us wants to go ask for money to pay our own salary? It's not an enviable position.

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I would love to see the BSA Business plan. I want to start a business in which thoseands of people PAY to work for me, and if they do not like it, that is OK because there are thousands behind them waiting for the oppurtunity to PAY to work an event.

I realize there is an element of sarcasm in this statement, but to the extent some pros might actually believe something along those lines, it is entirely flawed. The volunteers are not paying to work for the pro; the pro was hired by the volunteers to facilitate a better program. Coucils whose pros are cognizant of that fact are going to have the better programs, in my opinion.

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"Executives have the most horrible job possible. Who among us wants to go ask for money to pay our own salary? It's not an enviable position."


Exactly, well said,


But that being well said, would it not be in the best interest of those asking for the money to show how well that money is spent?


If I receive value for my money, I am satisfied, when I do not receive value for my money, I start to re-evaluate where my money goes, and I do not beleive I am that much different that everyone else



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