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DataEntry and the Coucil Backlog

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Ok, alot of Councils have Data Entry concerns... Training Records for adults take forever to go into the system. Sometimes I have seen applications take 3 to 4 months to process. An idea came up last year and I have been talking topeople about expanding Internet Advancement to allow for Adult Training to be netered in online like we do for the youth advancement. You would then scan and attach the "Scanned Copy of the Training Card" electronically for transmission to the registrar. Similar with applications, enter through an online, secured program; just like internet rechartering. The only difference here is, you would get a tracking number to write on the hard copy. The hard copy would get handed in with the appropriate fees and then all the registrar has to do is quickly verify the info.


I know it puts more work on the volunteer but at least stuff is being entered in a timely fashion.


What are your thoughts?

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Most of the training required to be trained for your position is online. Once it is completed it goes directly into ScoutNet. There is even an online program that lets you check, and validate, what training is currently listed in ScoutNet.


The applications are currently scanned by machine. I do not think there is a lot of manual input involved, and I don't see why it should take 3-4 months to process.



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Having helped prepare data for entry when SCOUTNET first came out, it is a PITA. Grant you that was over 10 years ago, so things may, and I hope have, changed. But then everything was entered by hand.


But even if it is scanned, the sheer volume can be overwhelming, esp in a metro council. Usually one a few folks are authorized to enter the info.


One thing that is making it challengingis the new requirement that leaders take YPT prior to submmitting an application.

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Forgot to add, in addition to all the new leaders, registrars also have to deal with inputting older training records that maynot be in SCOUTNET. Don't get me started on that one. BUT one advice for any DEs and other pros onthe boards: MAKE SURE THAT ANY TRAINING YOU TAKE AND/OR TEACH GETS PUT INTO YOUR SCOUTNET RECORDS! (caps for emphasis). Another former pro and I have discovered that our records were not complete and that courses we took or taught while pros were not placed into the computer.

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We should have the adult volunteer form and the scout registration form available online, with the requirement that a copy be printed and submitted with a wet signature. There could even be an online way for the COR and CC to electronically approve.


This is what AYSO does through their eAYSO system, and it makes volunteer registration much easier. The only downside is the need to remember passwords (I always have to have my pw re-sent to me each year when I do my annual update).


While we are at it, can we also find a way to add roles for someone already in the system. I hate having to fill in new documents for each group, or when I add a role (like updated the merit badge counselor list at Council).

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Yes, online adult applications would be amazing!


Paraphrasing my recent conversation with the local council office:

"Hello, I'm a registered adult scouter and I'd like to be a merit badge counselor. What form do I need to fill out? Wait, uhm, I've already filled this out. Well, can't you just make a copy? Oh, I can go make a copy myself? Uhm huh, so I'm going to fill this out again, it's going to get passed around and eventually it'll be filed in that other filing bin right next to where my other copy already is? Ok, yeah, I'll go fill this out then."


YES! Online adult applications so that it can be sent on to whoever needs it. Honestly, this is the 21st century, I don't even own pencils, in calculus I even took math notes on my laptop with LaTeX. Come on, 100 years of Scouting, let's not process forms the same way they were processed back in 1910 in the dark ages before computers were even a pipe dream.


And while I'm dreaming, I want form fillable .pdf documents. Honestly, for a one page form it only takes a few minutes to drop some fillable text boxes onto the document.

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Don't forget the countless times you have to refill out the Adult applications, because someone did not enter you into the system in the first place. Or with us, they tend to toss meritbadge councilors off the system every now and then, and you have to reapply.


They are suppose to come out with new software for Adult training (not Scoutnet).. Before required training is officially started. What that will have I don't know, but hopefully will allow us more control over entering the training, and checking it for accuracy, and allow units the opportunity to check who in their units are getting trained and keep up with items like YPT and who is not.



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I don't who AYSO is, but love what we have in Toastmasters.


Yes, TM clubs can mail or fax in member apps. But HQ prefers that we enter the information in to the system ourselves, and make all payments on-line (quicker, and less prone to mistakes, which I've seen several times in my club with delayed entries and mistakes with addresses).


TM clubs are also asked to pay on-line when we do our twice a year dues payments. This has the added advantage that this removed non-active people from still being listed as active. (yes, they can be re-activated and keep all their info).


If you join more then one club (and many do) you have ONE id number that is then associated with each club.


And with award submissions, again, clubs are asked to do it on-line rather then mail/fax them in. When awards are submitted, emails go to the recipient and VP-Education of the club, so this is a good check if another officer (only officers can do this) submits an award.


I wish more of the orgs I was in used a similiar system. Am sure that for TM this system is a real savings in terms of not needing more staff.


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I am all in favor of online training entry. No, ScoutNet is not the total answer, but it's what we've got now, even though data entry is manual.


Not all Councils scan applications. Mine is still manual.


Not all training gets to the registrar. For example, none of the training that goes on at our Council camps gets reported to Council UNLESS the trainee takes it in and submits it themselves. It took a DE to personally enter last month the SM training I took in 2000 - and I'd submitted my proof of completion 3 or 4 times over the years.


Our Council camps do not report any of the staff training that they do. That means that the YP, hazardous weather, etc., that all staff take every year gets missed. My son attended National Camp School for Aquatics this year; while checking training records, I found that Council had NO record of ANY of his training in ScoutNet.


Let's get training records automated, and close the in-Council loopholes, too!

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My youngest is a Bear. I constantly check my online charger through ScoutNet. I actually use it as my Attendance Sheet. He has disappeared off of my charter 7 times in three years. Mysteriously pops up in different Packs. I first discovered this when a buddy of mine who is a Cubmaster in a neighboring Pack said" I got your boy on my Charter, I expect my parents to help out"

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