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If putting on the Best affordable Program for The Troop and Packs scouts means going ROGUE so be it.


But the only thing we are talking about is not participating in fund raising for a Council that is squandering the boys money and the money donated for the boys.



Have you ever walked into a leaders meeting at resident camp and were asked "Well, what would you guys like to do this week?"

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Will ending your participation in FOS and popcorn solve that problem? Or will it just make you feel better?


Don't get me wrong, I'm with packsaddle for the most part. I just don't really know what it is you hope to accomplish. If your aim is to say "forget it, I'm not involved with this and I'm not encouraging people to spend money on this product" then that's one thing. If you hope to "send a message" to council and thereby get a better product, I think you are kidding yourself that this will be an effective way to do that. In fact, it may end up making the "product" worse, if everybody does that (sale of more camps, for example).


So to answer your initial question, no, there aren't likely to be a lot of immediate negative repercussions (to the pack) to a decision not to do FOS. Just don't expect that it will change anything for the better, either.



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Are you the dog or the tail? Our pack and troop did what was best for the unit at the time. If we needed money for the boys, we raised money for the boys. If we had time to support the Council, then we did that. But it was a character building experience either way. In the first 10 years of our troop, we went to our local camp twice, once the first year we started the troop and once again 6 years later. It wasnt that good a camp for our program, so we attented better ones. But we also werent the kind of troop that let the Quality Unit Award list drive our program either.




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With holding money is a small way we can protest what is going on.


My emails to the DE and SE have gone unanswered.



I worry about vengeance against my scout when it comes time for eagle BOR. I have witnessed boys paying for their unpopular parents in scouting at that level.


maybe I will just shut up till he is finished, then roll up the sleeves and have at it.

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You might have a closer knit district group. Around here, you may have a smuck for an Advancement Chair, or great guy.. But one group doesn't get involved in the other group or know whether you paid FOS or not.. And then the the Advancement Chair isn't the only one on the Eagle Board, I guess the board could be made up of others that are doing other district job, but with ours these guys just do the board and don't get involved in anything else with the district.. So these guys really could care less. They are just people who enjoy getting to see the end product of those well polished Scouts.


But each council is different. If yours is totally inter-bred, you may have reason for your fears, but that would just be another example of having a corrupt district & council.

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