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Wow! I loved this one!


"No GPS? Gore Tex? Kevlar? Nylon? . . . "


But you didn't go far enough!!!! IMO.


Propane, electricity...


Let's get back to the elements...(the original 5!)


* Wood

* Fire

* Earth

* Metal

* Water



What a hoot!





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There is only one appropriate answer to jwest93's question - "How do the boys handle the situation?"


Irving hasn't issued any guidlines that I know of. This clearly isn't a Committee issue.


Have the SPL put it to the PLC, let the PL's discuss it with their patrols, and have the Scouts formulate their policy toward electronic devices.


As near as I can tell, that is the BSA way of doing things.

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When I was a Scout (mid 90's-early 00's), it was right at the advent of everyone having a Discman, the Game Boy thing, etc. etc., our troop had a no-electronics rule, except on long trips where 10 hours a day in a car without giving us the benefit of an N64 and some CD's would have likely caused all to go insane. That rule would be suspended once we entered a National Park, when we left said car, or any other time the adult leaders wanted us to pay attention to something. It worked. We all had fun, we all learned and saw and enjoyed ourselves, and it was never a problem. Regular campouts, troop meetings, etc. etc., strictly verboten.


I'm now an adult leader. All the kids have cell phones and iPods (better than the phone and iPod I have at that!). The Troop is more laid back in their approach now, "kids will be kids these days," and there's kids texting in patrol lines, pulling out the iPod during merit badge sessions, and walking around the campout ignoring the wildlife with their earbuds firmly inserted.


I have a problem with that. And it seems, at times, I'm the only one. I've done my part and made it known to scouts that when I'm teaching a merit badge, or working on a skill with them, I don't tolerate phones or iPods. They can make it an hour a week without texting their friends.


I find it sad I even have to say anything, but if I don't, I'm faced with a couple kids who are generally interested, and a dozen who are more interested in either what's happening on their phone, or the iPod of the kid sitting next to them. I've found it's a snowball effect. The first one comes out, the second one won't be far behind, and then the entire process is derailed.


If it were up to me, phones and iPods would be confiscated on the spot and returned when the parents came to claim them, but that's just me being "old school" and nostalgic for the days of, oh, 10 years ago. I guess I'm getting old in my mid-20's.

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We've been through this discussion before.


We teach respect at all times.

Keep the phone (iPod, whatever) in your pocket during meetings. No phone calls unless emergency.


No electronics in camp with one exception - we request the PLs and SPL keep their phones active. There have been cases where patrol was out on their own, needed help, and cell phone was fastest way to get it. It's true that cell phones don't work everywhere, but it would be almost negligent to prohibit them from carrying a device they already own which could save a life.


I consider it to be a matter of using your resources.

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I don't like seeing them with the phone so much that they might as well be on their couch texting - but they can and do bring them.

They are entirely on their own about keeping them from damage, loss, lack of power, recharging facilities or theft - the Troop assumes NO responsibility for (really) anything they bring.


So far they've been really good about policing their own use of them. :)

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My home troop has the "use it before or after, not during" camp policy. If you bring it "for emergencies", your responsibility if dropped over the cliff, into the creek, stepped on, etc.

I was at an overnight on the USS Constellation in Baltimore once. Cub had a good time thru the day program, helped set up his hammock(!) and was asleep until about 3am, then made his way up on deck to me (I was night watch)and almost in tears, really H/S. I cellphoned his dad, 5 minutes on the phone, back in his hammock, all ok.

Became a Scout, on the first Troop O/N, he was the one helping a fellow crossedover Webelos with the H/Sness.

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Ken (narraticong) has the right of this. If we say these young people are a functioning miniature society, then they (meaning the PLC) need to be the ones establishing the ground rules. Not us SM/ASM/Committee types ... the youth members ... the ones who are the participants in the game.

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