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BSA Made NPR Weekend Edition ... Favorably!


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It was a two part story...


First, Marcos Nava (I gather a Professional at National) talked about the Hispanic initiative


Then, Audie Cornish talked with Eagle Scout Jon Heder, the star of Napoleon Dynamite.


Finally, as transition to a book interview between Scott Simon and former Treasury Secretary Paulson, Ms Cornish noted Mr Paulson is also an Eagle Scout.

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Derek Connell (the special needs scout mentioned in the above link) is a member Troop 409, which meets at our church, though we are not their charter partner. Derek is frequently seen at district events, as are many members of their troop. His commitment to scouting is absolute. This special needs troop is one of the greatest successes of scouting in our area. But there is more to it than that.


What the story does not truly convey is the dedication of Richard and Claudia Coleman, the SM and ASM of the troop. Every scout in that troop has not only intellectual challenges, but also have severe physical handicaps as well. What these two scouters do for their scouts is nothing short of amazing! Twenty five years ago, Richard was asked to be SM for a year, until a permanent replacement could be found; he is still the SM to this day. He and Claudia are, in my eyes, the most heroic and dedicated scouters I ever hope to know.


They are also avid boaters and assist me on the Council Sea Scout committee. Several years ago, while working on his boat, Richard cut his leg on a barnicle and picked up a nasty little marine bacteria, the kind which destroys limbs in a matter of days, and can take your life in a week. It was caught pretty quick and he was placed on the strongest antibiotics available, which saved his leg and his life. Unfortunately, the potency of the antibiotics essentially killed his kidneys, which completely failed a few years afterward. Claudia was determined to be a perfect match, and she donated her extra kidney. The surgery was 3 years ago and both have completely recovered. The whole process did little to slow them down in their scouting.


Both downplay any awards or reognitions they recieve (and they are recognized often); for them, it is all for their boys, even if their youngest "boy" is in his late 20s.


I heard the story on NPR last Friday morning as a segment of "Story Coprs," and since Story Corps is working locally this month, I assumed it was only local recognition recognition (though I was not convinced). It is wonderful to hear that this was a national broadcast.(This message has been edited by Buffalo Skipper)

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