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Are you speaking of a Unit Committee Chair vs a Council/District Committee?


Unit Committee Chairs are selected by the Chartered Organization, and are usually appointed/approved by the Chartered Organization Rep (who is selected by the Institutional Head of the chartered org). This is covered in the literature.


Not sure what you are looking for. Its not something esoteric or complex.

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Yah, sure.


Da Chartered Organization Representative or Institution Head sign a BSA Adult Application and submit it to da local council office. That's the only act which makes it "official."


In terms of how the selection is made, that's goin' to depend on the Chartered Organization and the dynamics of each troop, eh? There is no one official way. The IH can simply appoint a person (like a religious "call"), the committee can vote, or I suppose yeh can figure out who didn't come to the meeting and appoint him! ;)


There is a unit of supplemental training which describes a recommended procedure for a unit to use in recruiting and selecting adult leadership positions including Committee Chair. It is not required, but yeh might find it helpful. See




The short version is that


1) You brief the Chartered Organization


2) The CO / COR forms a Steering Committee (which can be da troop committee as a whole in a small unit).


3) The Steering Committee identifies prospects, vets prospects, and decides on who the top choice is, the second choice, etc.


4) The Steering Committee meets with da candidate(s) and tries to talk da poor fool into it ;).


5) Da Steering Committee does reference checks, criminal background checks, and other vetting of the applicant, then submits the application to the CO for their review and approval. Da CO/COR may do whatever they feel is appropriate.


6) The application is forwarded to the council for their review and approval.


7) Yeh sign the person up for training!


Hope that helps,




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Now, if I were to guess, I'd bet that yeh didn't ask da question because your CC is stepping down in three months and you're tryin' to set up da best process to find his/her successor, eh?


My guess is yeh feel someone hijacked da process in your unit and yeh feel that you now have a problem with da CC.


Scoutin' is a great program except for da behavior of the adults.


Would yeh like to share what's goin' on? Maybe we can offer some perspective from afar.




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Some folks think that committee chair is an elective position and there is nothing to prevent a particular unit from functioning that way.


As far as other generic committee members are concerned, the only process is registration for that position with the approvals required on the registration form. Some units that insist that each household with youth in the unit register an adult use "committee member" as a default registration. Upon reflection I think that is a mistake. There is nothing I am aware of in the rule book to prohibit this practice, but you could end up with a huge unwieldy committee. IMHO, the official committee should generally be restricted to those active adults who are willing to take on specific committee level responsibilities.

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